Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket? - Message Board


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Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?

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  • Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?


    2002 Pontiac Firebird 3.8L, 146k miles on the clock.

    The story is... I have been having coolant problems for a months before my engine blew up...

    When I first detected the problem, it appeared to be a leaking water pump, although I couldn't VISUALLY detect a leak, I heard the pump squeeling, smelled antifreeze and noticed my coolant levels slowly depleting... So I replaced the pump and for about 2 weeks, it was fine. No leaks, no squeeling, no antifreeze smell. Well around the same time, my stock thermostat also gave up and I replaced it with a failsafe thermostat which only a few weeks later failed again... Then I also started smelling antifreeze again...puzzled, looking under the car to find no puddles until I FINALLY detected a small and slow drip from what appeared to be the passenger side of the engine, but traced it to find driplets accumulating on top of my new water pump... Replaced my water pump again... STILL to no avail as I quickly found the droplets returning.

    Well, I had my Racetronix Fuel Pump, Fuel Gauge Sending unit, and Evap canister sitting here for awhile and finally had the money to install it and I wanted my mechanic to also look to see why the motor was leaking and where from... Driving the car to the mechanic...I DID notice white smoke coming from the tailpipe, but only while idling and sitting still and I thought that maybe it was just because it was cold outside... And otherwise the car still ran and drove fine. No hesitation / loss of power... Well, I get my car to the mechanic and tell him to install everything and find the leak and he does so... He tells me its leaking from the Water Pump... puzzled as this was 2nd time I've replaced it... None the less he tells me only use NAPA parts... He also told me he had to do a bit of modification to my fuel bucket to get my Racetronix Pump to fit, which puzzled me as I believed those pumps were pretty much plug and play... HOWEVER, I also know that the dealership I got my car from had to replace my fuel pump under warranty because it failed the DAY I purchased the car, and they tried to do a cheap job by buying a used pump and it failed before they could even get it back to me and they made 2 more attempts before finally getting it running and I have a feeling things back there might be jerry-rigged... So I get in my car to take it back after everything was installed... I turn the key to crank it... It turns over but doesn't crank. then I turn it again and it cranks... and I drive off - but notice I've lost ALOT of power. It bogs down when I want it to pick up, no 3rd to 2nd shift... accelerating to get on the interstate was impossible. It was SLUGGISH, but it wasn't misfiring.

    At first I was thinking, maybe it needed to be tuned for the new pump, maybe he didnt install it properly (because my fuel gauge is ALSO still dead). No more than five minutes later, I get off the Interstate and my engine compartment BURSTS into white smoke! I pull over and inspect, it all appears to be coming from the front of the engine but there's still no visual leak! Long story short, I'm forced to refill the radiator and baby it to my sisters house, but it was too much... My hood bursted into steam, shortly after I had white smoke spewing out of my exhaust, then I lost 75% of my power and could barely do 25 MPH...and it made it, but that was it... Weeks later I tried to start it... It would crank and crank and turn and turn but nothing. Then sometimes it would start and idle VERY rough for about 3 seconds MAX and die... and if you put your foot on the gas to keep it alive... dies instantly.

    ---Now later I came to find out that running a motor too lean on fuel (and being this happened right after my fuel pump install) can cause head gaskets to blow because the combustion chamber temperatures get hot enough to melt them... ...but I also have been running through water pumps, and thermostats like candy before this happened and before the car saw the shop... What do you guys think happened?
    1997 Camaro RS W/T-Tops<br />All Stock / 200 HP

  • #2
    Re: Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?

    Sounds like it ran hot during your search for the other causes and compromised the gaskets. Sounds like you need to buy yourself a coolant system pressure tester.
    <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


    • #3
      Re: Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?

      Originally posted by Bird_Of_Prey View Post
      Sounds like it ran hot during your search for the other causes and compromised the gaskets. Sounds like you need to buy yourself a coolant system pressure tester.
      Yeah.. Im just wondering, does it sound like the gasket was already on its way out before I sent it to the shop?

      Also what would explain the car not being as stout after I got it from the shop?
      1997 Camaro RS W/T-Tops<br />All Stock / 200 HP


      • #4
        Re: Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?

        if you hear the car cranking but the engine is not turning over, it is probably a bad starter


        • #5
          Re: Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?

          Originally posted by Need4Camaro View Post
          Yeah.. Im just wondering, does it sound like the gasket was already on its way out before I sent it to the shop?

          Also what would explain the car not being as stout after I got it from the shop?
          That's what it sounds like to me. It sucks, but it had a lot of miles on it. **** like that is gonna happen.
          <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


          • #6
            Re: Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?

            I had a similar problem when I first got my Camaro 2 years ago. The coolant level would slowly deplete. I could detect a slow leak from the passenger side of the engine. I replaced the water pump and it seemed fine for a week or so. I thought it was a head gasket or one of the intake gaskets. So I rented a pressure tester from Checker Auto and pumped it up. Violla!! Under the front of the upper intake, right behind the throttle body is a plastic 90 degree elbo that comes out of the intake. You can't really see it until you really get down there and look. There is a second one of those elbows that goes into the heater hose assembly. These elbows have O-rings on them and they had gone bad, but would only leak when the system was pressurized. It was a $4 part at Autozone (in the Help! section.) I replaced both 90s (wrapped the ends with tefflon tape cause they seemed a little loose) and no more coolant leak. Drove me crazy for 3 months trying to figure it out.
            Last edited by ScottS4050; 03-29-2011, 10:11 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?

              Originally posted by cam98aro View Post
              if you hear the car cranking but the engine is not turning over, it is probably a bad starter
              he said it would crank and crank and turn and turn, and bust off for short intervals.

              if it cranks slow, or stops in mid stroke, then it could be a combustion chamber full of water hydro locking the engine.

              as for why, it seems to me that the issues leading up did (as someone stated already) play a part in the headgasket's integrity being compromised.

              1. do you trust the mechanic? you did say that it had trouble starting upon receipt of the vehicle.
              2. is the oil in the engine milky? were you checking it prior to taking it to the mechanic?
              3. the front cover could have been leaking into the engine from that gasket, giving it the impression that it was the water pump, this would be indicated from the milky oil.
              4. have your, or do you know if the previous owner ever did intake manifold gaskets?
              Team NoVa

              2000 Firebird- Intake, Pacesetters, !cat, full 2.5 to flowcrapster, 1.9 rockers, LS6 springs and Intense modded retainers, WS6 speedlines, T/A bumpers and hatch, 5 spd swapped, SOON TO BE nitrous'd and cammed.


              • #8
                Re: Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?

                Originally posted by flamingchicken View Post
                he said it would crank and crank and turn and turn, and bust off for short intervals.

                if it cranks slow, or stops in mid stroke, then it could be a combustion chamber full of water hydro locking the engine.

                as for why, it seems to me that the issues leading up did (as someone stated already) play a part in the headgasket's integrity being compromised.

                1. do you trust the mechanic? you did say that it had trouble starting upon receipt of the vehicle.
                2. is the oil in the engine milky? were you checking it prior to taking it to the mechanic?
                3. the front cover could have been leaking into the engine from that gasket, giving it the impression that it was the water pump, this would be indicated from the milky oil.
                4. have your, or do you know if the previous owner ever did intake manifold gaskets?
                1. This is the first time he touched my car... I really am not sure about him sometimes mainly cuzz he had to modify the fuel bucket on a racetronix pump which is supposed to be plug and play.

                2. Oil is milky...

                3. From the head gasket?

                4. I doubt the previous owner did jack to my car...
                1997 Camaro RS W/T-Tops<br />All Stock / 200 HP


                • #9
                  Re: Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?

                  im having the same problem on my right side i leaked all winter but since it warmed up it has stopped leaking from what i can see. brother who works from advanced said i need intake gaskets. ill be taking a look at that soon.


                  • #10
                    Re: Can someone tell me why I blew my head gasket?

                    Given you have auto insurance you must have had towing coverage. I would have had it towed to the Chevy dealer
                    by your house and let them fix it. You would still have an engine
                    and a lower cost to get the car right.


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