this is after the power pack install.
i know new cams bring al kinds of trouble i just wonder if this is normal.
when i acellerate and reach 2500 rpms my engine starts making a sound like an airplane propeller. i dont want to say it sounds like grinding cause its not grinding. wierd like a mixture of grinding and soft popping mixed together. hell i am sorry i cant describe it. but it always happens at exactly 2500 and only goes away when i let off the gas. then the rpms usually hit 2000 and its gone. happens at every 2500 garunteed.
you guys have any ideas?
[ March 23, 2002: Message edited by: nino ]</p>
i know new cams bring al kinds of trouble i just wonder if this is normal.
when i acellerate and reach 2500 rpms my engine starts making a sound like an airplane propeller. i dont want to say it sounds like grinding cause its not grinding. wierd like a mixture of grinding and soft popping mixed together. hell i am sorry i cant describe it. but it always happens at exactly 2500 and only goes away when i let off the gas. then the rpms usually hit 2000 and its gone. happens at every 2500 garunteed.
you guys have any ideas?
[ March 23, 2002: Message edited by: nino ]</p>