Is Anyone ever gonna come out with some programming for the '97 guys? just curious..
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HPP3 vs. Wester's programming !!!!!!
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ok, Drone, lets see here. I'm not going to start a flame fest. i've never been one that argues and I'm not going to start now. I will disagree with anyone that says that the Westers is not a custom tune. Because it is a custom tune. They tune the chip to your upgrades. I don't see how anyone can say that is not a custom tune. Yes it would be nice to take the car to a dyno and have it custom tuned there. But, for the money and the time that is involved. It's something that some of us can not do. I'm thinking that you took what I said "But, with all the info that you give the guys at Westers. I would have a big dought you would see much difference if any between the dyno tune and theirs. " a little different from what I really meant. And after reading it again, i can see how. I really did word that wrong. I stand beside where I said that I dought you would see much difference. I'm sure there would be some there, just not enough to make a huge difference, with the money and time involved. Well, for myself. I should not of put if any in the wording. Did not mean that. Sorry for the wrong wording.
As for you calling the westers a mail order chip. Well, that would go for the HPP3 and the Jet chip also. And the Westers is no were near the same as those.
I did not want my post to get off saying that the Westers chip was better than a custom dyno tune. I was wanting to get across that the Westers chip is a great custom chip and that it blows away the Jet Chip and HPP3, and that it is worth the extra money. I guess it would really matter on what mods you have to what differences you would see between them. With my mods. I felt a huge and I do mean huge difference in power.
I think that is everything. [img]smile.gif[/img] I'm really tired, just got off of work. So, look over me. Like I said above, I never wanted to start a flame fest just tring to get my point across.
Ohh, one more thing. [img]smile.gif[/img]
I'm right and you know why?
Cause I'm Rick James B*tch "slap" [img]graemlins/slap.gif[/img]
hehe, just joking. :D I've been wanting to say that on here for so long. [img]tongue.gif[/img]
I'll leave with my favorite saying. "All to their own" :D
Rock on everyone, [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img]
Jeff2000 V6 Camaro(bought brand new)
5 speed
Project: Unreal
Several Mods..:naughty:plus Nitrous=WEEeee:banana:
2007 Suzuki GS500F :D
Daily driver
2007 Chevy Aveo 5
Mods K&N air filter:excited:
I can see you guys have been very busy since the last time I check this post. [img]smile.gif[/img]
Anyways, thanks for all the posts and the info.
I guess, after reading all these posts, I will go with the HPP3. I don't have many mods and I am not planing on doing so. Basically all that is on my signature plus the headers and exhaust(and maybe a TC). So I think the HPP3 will work good for me (specially if I can buy it for a cheap price here in the forum).
If anybody have any other info, please feel free to let me know.
Thanks,2002 Arctic White Firebird W68<br />Installed: FTRA, Carbon Fiber Whisper Lid, K&N Filter, Transgo Shift Kit, Corvette Servo, 160º Thermostat.<br />Appearance: Potenzas RE750 245\'s, 3M Tint 20% All Around, Clear Corners.<br />FOR SALE: HPP3
the Westers is not a "chip" its a programed computer and to fill out the order from i had to ask Tiago a few things cuase i was like "WTF is that" Tiago explaned it to me and was vary help full, thanks to him.....
i having the program my PCM for
lower C/r
20 PSI or more of boost
LT1 MAF sensor
Fuel PSI
93 Octane
p/p heads
p/p upper and lower intake mans
MSD spark
57# hour injectors
ect ect ect
like i siad some of that stuff i didn't even know what is was, tha only thing that said "stock" was the tire
any way you dont have to "ship off" you computer.
you oder the computer (PCM) fill out the form they program and ship it to you, you take your PCM out put the programed one in and ship you stock computer back to them, 15-20 mins down time to swap out the PCM.
now the dont just advance the spark like th HPP3 does,
they adjust the A/F ratio curves, Timing curve (the hole freaking thing not just advance the hole thing 2*) fuel curves (HPP3 dont even mess with those) acoding to your cam eaxaust in take, fuel PSI, injector size ect ect ect.
and if you wnat you shift points adjusted buy the time you make the order its like 1 week an d you have the updated PCM..
BTW were you getting $500 mine was only $343....
1997 3800 Series II Camaro
4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty
and if you wnat you shift points adjusted buy the time you make the order its like 1 week an d you have the updated PCM..
I believe GuardianKnight said it took 3 weeks to get his as well.SLP CAI, K&N, Whisper Lid, 180* thermo, manual fan switch, 3.42 gears, Auburn Pro LSD, Wester\'s PCM Tuning, TSP Rumbler, High Flow Cat. Best Time: 9.909@71.58 (1/8 mile)
viper no way they will get your tune right lmao
do you think they have delt with a turbo 3.8 helll no they havnt
the fastest 3.8 with custom tunning (not westers) was pushing less then 20psi, you need a new map sensor not maf but map, really on our car if you want to go passed 20psi, we have a 2 bar map, meaning after 14psi it gets blurry and not easy tuned, so they are tuning for a 3 bar map right?
how can they tell what your a/f ratio is going to be with the 20+psi there is no way to tell not even math, they can do what would need to be done in theory, add more fuel but how much do you add, i bet you would gain 20+hp with a CUSTOM tune over theres on a blown motor anyday
cant you buy an autotap and just program it yourself or is that just for checking things?96 Camaro 3.8 A4 Basemodel: 8 mm wires, Shift Kit, Hollowed <br />Cat(o2 sims), RKSport exhaust, IAT 5.6K resistor, Home Depot CAI<br />>>>15.375 @ 89.27<<<NEW BEST TIME <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>
but magnus's(or whoever's) computer will be able to change your pcm96 Camaro 3.8 A4 Basemodel: 8 mm wires, Shift Kit, Hollowed <br />Cat(o2 sims), RKSport exhaust, IAT 5.6K resistor, Home Depot CAI<br />>>>15.375 @ 89.27<<<NEW BEST TIME <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>
Originally posted by Drone51:
viper no way they will get your tune right lmao
do you think they have delt with a turbo 3.8 helll no they havnt
the fastest 3.8 with custom tunning (not westers) was pushing less then 20psi, you need a new map sensor not maf but map, really on our car if you want to go passed 20psi, we have a 2 bar map, meaning after 14psi it gets blurry and not easy tuned, so they are tuning for a 3 bar map right?
how can they tell what your a/f ratio is going to be with the 20+psi there is no way to tell not even math, they can do what would need to be done in theory, add more fuel but how much do you add, i bet you would gain 20+hp with a CUSTOM tune over theres on a blown motor anyday
A$$ chode, buy the way they tune all there PCMs from dynoing over and over and over. you know theres a $6000 program that can come within 1% if all the info given is correct, mor info the better
shut up about the fvcking dyno tune, the topic says hpp3 or westers, westers will kick hpp3 to hell any day, am i saying there the best? NO but between hpp3 and westers, westers will come out on top every day any day if every ting was perfectly
1997 3800 Series II Camaro
4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty
ok.. this one gets the lock.Keith - Chicago<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HP Tuners - PCM Reprogramming</a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">97 Firebird V6 to LS1 swap</a><br /><b>V8 9.967@132.78</b> 1.322 60\' NA Heads/Cam<br /><b>V8 10.295@128.48</b> 1.363 60\' NA Cam Only<br /><b>V8 10.987@119.31</b> 1.422 60\' NA Stock Internals<br /><b>V6 13.674@98.22</b> NA<br /><b>V6 12.394@104.91</b> N20 100HP
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