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  • Cam List

    Is there a list around of upgrad valvr train parts # and prices?
    Im getting ready to buy a cam and want to upgrade the valve train since its going to be right there. I'm not sure what all items and part numbers that I will need ant that will work/fit. can someone help me out?


    [ April 19, 2004, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: calvo ]
    1999 Camaro V6 A4<br />Navy Blue metallic<br />Intake+Exhaust+4.10+?=?

  • #2
    Some things you might want.
    Kmotion K-700 valve springs $42, best cheap brand new spring money can buy.
    They will give you at least a nother .050'' of valve movement with every thing else stock.
    Some +.050'' hight valve locks, stock are 7 dregree and fit a 11/32'' stem.
    Get machined forged steel ones crane, comp cams, cower and many other make these.
    You will need these to take full advantage of you K-700 springs with out machineing your heads.
    You can get all that stuff from
    Be the first on you block to run titanunm, you can get 1.25'' retainers from ebay for about $100 get them at eather stock or +.050'' hight.
    Buy them but make sure you get the right lockes, there are 4 commen valve locks 7 dregree, super 7 , 10 dregree and super 10. make sure they match.
    If you buy titanium you will most likly only find retainers that take super 7 locks.
    The super locks are just fatter then the standard locks and there not inter changable.
    I got over $2000 worth of titanium valves intake and exhaust, titanium retainers and titanium super 7 locks (one set of 5/16'' for intake and set of 11/32'' for the exhaust) for about $400.
    The only one of these used parts that looks some what used are the exhasut valves all others are like new (all for the z28).
    \'85 Z28, T-tops new LG4 and TH700<br />\'85 3.4L 5-speed<br />mods: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> the nitrous exhaust O2 safety, pg 3. <br />Areo space materal engineer wantabe


    • #3
      Please edit your post and make your topic name more descriptive per the rules.
      Keith - Chicago<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HP Tuners - PCM Reprogramming</a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">97 Firebird V6 to LS1 swap</a><br /><b>V8 9.967@132.78</b> 1.322 60\' NA Heads/Cam<br /><b>V8 10.295@128.48</b> 1.363 60\' NA Cam Only<br /><b>V8 10.987@119.31</b> 1.422 60\' NA Stock Internals<br /><b>V6 13.674@98.22</b> NA<br /><b>V6 12.394@104.91</b> N20 100HP


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