my problem with doing the heads and cam is i have to buy a few things first like maft+, custom pushrods, prolly same springs yougot, timing chain, might as well replace the waterpump while i'm at it cause that's a pain and i'm at 70K miles now, the crane cam, gaskets. then i'll be ready for the heads but i wanna do it all at once.
No announcement yet.
Who is serious about buying Supersix parts?
Guys, the heads and intake aren't aluminum are they? That is the only thing holding me back, i want aluminum. Maybe Nutek would make some aluminum 3.8 heads? I definitely am going to purchase the 1.73 rollers within the next 2-3 months, because it will be easier than a cam swap. With the rollers, would it be best to get the Thrasher springs too? I do plan on getting the Comp custom grind also with these.
Big thing is that I want aluminum, not stock iron block again.
good luck getting aluminum stuff made. hope you're willing to spend at the very least $5000 on just heads for the v6. as much as everyone hates when this is said i gotta say it here. engine swap get a v8.i was swimming in the carribean. animals were hiding behind the rocks except for the little fish, but they told me the squid\'s trying to talk to me. oink, oink. where is my mind?
you don't need aluminum heads, iron heads are best til you're going past 6,000revs... On top of that, theyre not only stronger, but they expand equally with the block.
Aluminum heads/Iron block - you're just asking for a blown head. Look at Ford/Toyota!2002 5-spd NBM Camaro
I'm looking into it too. I was just waiting till the custom computer comes around. BUT as long as it runs fine with the stock computer with no Service Enigne lights I can make my purchase sooner than I planned. I have the money for it, I was just waiting for the bugs to be worked out. Also, are headers a must with the package?
JP1998 Artic White M-5<br />K&N filter, whisper lid, undercar ramair, Dis-4, MSD 8.5mm SC, bosch plat 4+, BMR STB, Jet stage 2, Poly tranny mount, B&M Ripper, 1le DS, 1le Pan hard rod and lca\'s, LSD, hi-flo cat, flowmater, Kumho 255/50/16, and centerforce dual friction clutch.<br />(E.T. ?, but I beat a 15 sec flat integra by 3 cars in 3rd gear and pulling)<p> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><p>*****CAR TOTALED*****<p>2002 Artic White z28 A4 Loaded
Tell Tom to keep his pants on. I think I speak everyone here $$$time$$$$time is the hold up. I'm getting married in april. I would rather have a nice honeymoon than heads.(My Fiancé was MS Oklahoma and was in MS USA contest)She worth more than my car. And if you haven't seen it I would suggest you do. So if I didn't have that I would have got one months ago. And for the most part everyone here is a college student. If I was an old basterd I wouldn't have a V6 would I. Is Tom going to forget how to do it in 6month or a year. Will he knowledge expire?
old bastard? i have been out of college for about 10 years now.
my concern is what else is needed with the package? i have read about needing the maft+, some people show interest in another cam, the 1.73 rollers (which i have no idea what they are.) it is easy for me to buy the package and pay someone to install it, i just want to know what else i need and why. if someone would email me with some knowledge, i would be extremely greatfull. my car is a 2000 and has 27,000 miles. is the power pack by itself good enough on a car?6s.......under the hood or under the belt, they just dont cut it.
Ok guys, Once again, I'm here to set the record straight :rolleyes:
1. You don't NEED a computer tuning to run the Pak. It would optimize the Pak, but your car will run fine w/ out it. Yes, you will get the SES light, but if it bothers you that much, PULL THE BULB! Really, anything more "computer friendly" wouldn't be worth your money or work to install
2. You CAN get the computer custom progrmmed by SuperChips. No, they don't show it on their list on the website, but e-mail them and call them, and they'll do it for under 5 bills. I just haven't gotten around to doing it. Also, I'm may be looking at the MAFT instead, for now... which leads me to the next point...
3. The MAFT is not NEEDED for the Pak to work, but, like the custom computer, it will help optimize the potential of the Pak. Infact, it will do a lot of what computer tuning will do (change fuel and spark curves), but you will still have the SES light. again, if it bothers you, PULL THE BULB!
4. You don't NEED custom pushrods, the stock ones will do just fine. I had other problems, and that is why I ended up getting chromoly pushrods, but they are stock length. Nor do you NEED the titanium springs from Thrasher. It will be good to upgrade to them eventually, especially if you run any sort of poweradder, but it is not NEEDED for n/a
5. Things you WILL NEED: gasket head set, head bolts, timing chain cover gasket, timing chain (if you have close or over 30K miles, strongly suggested)
6. Things you SHOULD HAVE before getting PowerPak: CAI, cat-back, headers, free-flowing cat or straitpipe
7. This isn't like some other bolt-on. To gain a legitamate amount of power, you really should get all 5 pieces (cam, upper and lower intake, heads). The cam is what makes everything work well together. I really don't suggest getting only the heads, you'll see minimal gains at best, no gains, at worst. Is it really worth the money or time for install?
8. Results w/ poweradders? Well, someone has to be a pioneer, do I have to do that too? heads and intake alone w/ be a great help, let alone w/ the cam. My cam was specifically designed w/ n2o in mind. You can tell Tom if you plan on running a turbo or s/c and he will design a cam suited for that application.
I say all this b/c, like may things in life, there have been misconceptions about the PowerPak. It is a great mod, but it's not something simple, like a cat-back or a CAI. This is really a great gain in HP and a great gain in the V6 f-body community. It's not a matter of "he's not gonna forget how to do this in 6 months". Of course he won't, he does heads and cams for a living. It's a matter of he's gone out on a limb to expand our market, and now 6 months after the first install, the v6 community as a whole has yet to show any sign of viable interest in the Pak, just because of some "SES light" [img]graemlins/crybaby.gif[/img] And don't say "it's his loss if he stops making them" b/c it's not. He's got a whole other market of v6 mustangs to live off of and apparently he's doing fine w/out us. It's our loss b/c by not showing interest in the Pak, he gets the message that we don't want more performance parts. That's funny, b/c that's not what everyone is whinning about?When I finished installing the Pak, Tom asked me what other parts we'd like, and I gave him a list. I asked him about it a couple months later and he told me he's prolly not gonna work on much more b/c of the lack of interest in the PowerPak, despite my solicitations all over the message boards. Geez, I guess that's our loss :mad:
Look, I know a lot of us are college students. Fine, but so am I. I go to school full time, work part time, and the only thing that my parents pay for is my insurance which is low b/c of a perfect driving record. I pay for everything from my car to my phone, and everything inbetween. And lets not the V6 stang community is prolly made up of a similar profile as us, yet they seem to have a larger market on their cars and have no problem supporting the market. And that's on a V6 motor that's been around for only 3 years. Our 3.8 has been out for how long? That's right over twice as long [img]graemlins/dunce.gif[/img] !
And lets not forget the price issue. Comparable packages for LT1's or LS1's will be atleast $1000 more than what we pay.
I'm sorry for coming across rude or for being so long, but if you're gonna complain about not having a market, you better start buying when we DO have something. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut. Look, I can't twist everyone's arm into buying the Pak. I just don't want to hear excuses.
[ December 17, 2001: Message edited by: RiceCooker ]</p>GM 3800 PowerPak guinea pig<p>\"what cam, that\'s just a nasty mis-fire...\"
Would the service engine light cause problems say for emissions, like not passing smog? Or is the light on not because thier is a real problem but becuase the computer is "confused" by the new cam?1998 Artic White M-5<br />K&N filter, whisper lid, undercar ramair, Dis-4, MSD 8.5mm SC, bosch plat 4+, BMR STB, Jet stage 2, Poly tranny mount, B&M Ripper, 1le DS, 1le Pan hard rod and lca\'s, LSD, hi-flo cat, flowmater, Kumho 255/50/16, and centerforce dual friction clutch.<br />(E.T. ?, but I beat a 15 sec flat integra by 3 cars in 3rd gear and pulling)<p> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><p>*****CAR TOTALED*****<p>2002 Artic White z28 A4 Loaded
James, I ran 108 mph with the ported intakes and SSM grind cam (210/214) plus a 100 wet shot. I'm sure it would have been more with the heads. Jan 12th I'm going to dyno the car with the bottle, I'm sure the results will be sufficient.
Royce makes many good points. Do not let a little lightbulb stop you from buying some real performance parts. I don't consider a car to be making any power untill you get an SES light. [img]smile.gif[/img] Mine has been on for 2 years, doesn't bother me. If it's such a big deal then spend a few bucks at and get some software to scan and clear the codes. An SES light is an "idiot light". If there is something seriously wrong with your car, you drive it enough to know the slightest change. You don't need a light to tell you that.
We all know $$ doesn't grow on trees. If it did I'd already have heads. Since it doesn't I installed the cam myself. I got plenty of help from other local club members that made the install easier. If anyone buys the SSM package let me know, I made a list of part #'s and tools that you will need to install it.Michael Huff<br />92 RS, 98 V6, 97 SS, 00 Z28 <br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>
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