ac delco part# ep286 or gm part# 25117086
I purchased that pretty blindly because it was cheap and I found it with literally like 2 minutes left, but I know that our stock ones flow at 48-55 psi, and this new flows up to 95psi, but don't go by my numbers, I can't confirm them, just going by what the auction says. Let me know if you think I made the right decision, ect for my turbo setup running 6psi for now and then 9psi with better tuning.
Thanks guys, Sam
ac delco part# ep286 or gm part# 25117086
I purchased that pretty blindly because it was cheap and I found it with literally like 2 minutes left, but I know that our stock ones flow at 48-55 psi, and this new flows up to 95psi, but don't go by my numbers, I can't confirm them, just going by what the auction says. Let me know if you think I made the right decision, ect for my turbo setup running 6psi for now and then 9psi with better tuning.
Thanks guys, Sam