editing fuel curve on a 99 drive by wire system - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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editing fuel curve on a 99 drive by wire system

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  • editing fuel curve on a 99 drive by wire system

    ok, first off i have a 99 with the drive by wire, electronic throttle body setup, i put a new cam in it (206/210), now it misfires, and the cylinder 6 plug gets completely covered in carbon, it runs ultra rich, i almost get sick from the gas smell.

    so i need to get the fuel system re-mapped, i called a place called detroit speedworks to inquire (although they mostly do v8's and a little GTP), they said that the only way i would be able to re-tune would be to get a pre-99 throttle body and say a 98 computer and just swap them out for mine. now is this true or is there someone or something that can halp me otherwise??
    later,<br />alan<br />1999 bright red v6<br />3800 series III<br />208\\210 comp cam<br />3000 stall edge tc

  • #2
    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by aalugo2000:
    ok, first off i have a 99 with the drive by wire, electronic throttle body setup, i put a new cam in it (206/210), now it misfires, and the cylinder 6 plug gets completely covered in carbon, it runs ultra rich, i almost get sick from the gas smell.

    so i need to get the fuel system re-mapped, i called a place called detroit speedworks to inquire (although they mostly do v8's and a little GTP), they said that the only way i would be able to re-tune would be to get a pre-99 throttle body and say a 98 computer and just swap them out for mine. now is this true or is there someone or something that can halp me otherwise??
    Their off base.. Just get your PCM reprogrammed. That's all you need to do.
    2000 Firebird. Whisper Lid, True duals, TSP mail order tune, Built Tranny , TCI 2800 stall verter, B&M tranny cooler, Eaton LSD, 3.42 gears. Current best ET. 15.232 89.09 MPH 2.175 60ft on stock 3.42\'s and open diff.<a href=\"http://www.geocities.c


    • #3
      well who does useful pcm reprogramming??

      i heard that a couple of internet sights advertise it but when people tried to contact them they didnt reply. the place i talked to said that the setup on my car restricts programming greatly, i think only some 99's had this setup, can anyone else back me up on this?
      later,<br />alan<br />1999 bright red v6<br />3800 series III<br />208\\210 comp cam<br />3000 stall edge tc


      • #4
        <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by aalugo2000:
        well who does useful pcm reprogramming??

        i heard that a couple of internet sights advertise it but when people tried to contact them they didnt reply. the place i talked to said that the setup on my car restricts programming greatly, i think only some 99's had this setup, can anyone else back me up on this?
        <hr></blockquote> Try DHP they do the programming on the intense cars, and I think they do it for ZZP. You can IM or E-mail Zoomer at Zooomer@aol.com
        2000 Firebird. Whisper Lid, True duals, TSP mail order tune, Built Tranny , TCI 2800 stall verter, B&M tranny cooler, Eaton LSD, 3.42 gears. Current best ET. 15.232 89.09 MPH 2.175 60ft on stock 3.42\'s and open diff.<a href=\"http://www.geocities.c


        • #5
          First check the plug and plug wire, then the coil. These should be the first things checked w/ a miss. I'ld bet once you fix the miss the rich idle will improve.

          Anything else changed but the cam? What codes are you throwing?
          Keith - 99 'maro - White M5 - bumpstick and boltons - 13.65 @ 101 N/A
          "I ain't too big to listen to the rumors, I'm just too @#$% big to pay attention to them" - Dr. Dre


          • #6
            i changed the plugs cuz i was runnin the tr-6's for the nitrous, but its not connected now (nitrous) so i tried goin back to stock plugs, car ran smoothly for about 2 minutes, then back to missing, i got the random/multiple misfire code, and when i changed the plugs all were relatively clean except for #6.

            and im running intense pushrods, comp springs and retainers with the cam.
            later,<br />alan<br />1999 bright red v6<br />3800 series III<br />208\\210 comp cam<br />3000 stall edge tc


            • #7
              Why not just run a MAFT or MiniAFC?
              <a href=\"http://www.onid.orst.edu/~waltejam/\" target=\"_blank\">98 Bright Red Camaro</a><br />Too many mods to list....check my website


              • #8
                Oh, the P0300 code. No biggie there. Thats not a real miss. Just the pcm misreading the lope of the cam as a missfire. What LS on the cam? 112?

                You can tinker w/ the rich idle w/ a maft or miniAFC. But until a l36edit comes out mail order tuning is tha only option you have.
                Keith - 99 'maro - White M5 - bumpstick and boltons - 13.65 @ 101 N/A
                "I ain't too big to listen to the rumors, I'm just too @#$% big to pay attention to them" - Dr. Dre


                • #9
                  ok guys thanx,
                  i just got an email from zoomer telling me that i need the mini afc, i guess i thought that wouldnt work cuz on intense's site they didnt list the camaro in the apps. list, but if zoomer and you guys say it'll work, than thats good enough for me.

                  by the way, how hard is it to use that mini afc? how much knowledge do you have to have? cuz all i know is whenever im in my car, driving or idle, i smell gas, and that my #6 plug gets covered in carbon after about a week.
                  later,<br />alan<br />1999 bright red v6<br />3800 series III<br />208\\210 comp cam<br />3000 stall edge tc


                  • #10
                    If #6 is doing that, then something is wrong with that cylinder... Ignition, or something.

                    You need to get it straightened out first.

                    If not, the o2 sensor on that side can't do its job. It will average the reading for all 3 cylinders, and none of them will get the right amount of fuel, because the one that's missing will throw the whole bank off.

                    Once the miss is taken care of, THEN you can start tuning the overall a/f ratio.

                    Currently the o2 sensor is seeing all the left-over air (oxygen) from #6, and that makes it report a lean condition on that bank. Then the pcm will send more fuel to all 3 cylinders on that side, trying to compensate.

                    [ October 22, 2003: Message edited by: John_D. ]</p>
                    \'98 A4 Camaro v6-&gt;v8 conversion, and STS kit next<br />v6: 13.6 Powerdyne, 13.2 150 shot, 13.8 120 shot, 14.3 85 shot, 15.7 stock<br />v8(na): 12.18@113, 392rwhp<br />Moderator on <a href=\"http://www.mtfba.org\" target=\"_blank\">www.mtfba.org</a> and <a href=\"http://www.frrax.com\" target=\"_blank\">www.frrax.com</a> (Road Race & Autocross)<br /><a href=\"http://community.webshots.com/user/johnduncan10\" target=\"_blank\">Car pics</a>, <a href=\"http://www.trscca.com\" target=\"_blank\">TN Region SCCA</a>


                    • #11
                      <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seppo Kaitainen:
                      But until a l36edit comes out mail order tuning is tha only option you have.<hr></blockquote>

                      L36Edit?????? [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] Like anybody will ever come out with that. It would certainly be nice, and after getting to run Ease on my car, and seeing the timing on my car, I'd be the first one in line to get it.

                      Will it ever happen?? I'm not counting on it. Nobody gives a s*** about the Camaro/Firebird L36s.

                      [ October 23, 2003: Message edited by: Guardsman ]</p>
                      Wife and a dog, they both think they\'re Kujo.<br /> <br />1999 3.8 A4 Y87<br />Navy Blue Metallic<br />BFG G-Force KDWS 275/40/17s, <br />WS6 Wheels (17x9)<br />Phoenix Transmissions 2400 Stall Converter<br />FRA, Holley Powershot filter, Whisper Lid, Ported Throttlebody<br />2000 manifolds, Flowmaster, WS6 Tail Pipes, <br />MSD 8.5mm Wires, MSD Coils, Autolite plugs<br />Performance Cryogenics treated rotors<br />1LE Sway Bars and panhard rod, 1LE front springs w/SLP Bilsteins, stock rear springs w/ 3rd Gen Bilsteins, BMR STB, KBDD SFCs, 1LE rear lower control arms, 1LE front lower control arms<p>1968 Chevelle Malibu 327 TH350


                      • #12
                        If the market is there, people care. ;)
                        Keith - Chicago<br /><a href=\"http://www.hptuners.com\" target=\"_blank\">HP Tuners - PCM Reprogramming</a><br /><a href=\"http://www.dxsoftware.com/magnus/\" target=\"_blank\">97 Firebird V6 to LS1 swap</a><br /><b>V8 9.967@132.78</b> 1.322 60\' NA Heads/Cam<br /><b>V8 10.295@128.48</b> 1.363 60\' NA Cam Only<br /><b>V8 10.987@119.31</b> 1.422 60\' NA Stock Internals<br /><b>V6 13.674@98.22</b> NA<br /><b>V6 12.394@104.91</b> N20 100HP


                        • #13
                          hey john_D..

                          i was also getting the o2 sensor heat circuit code, and some other o2 sensor code, i put in an 02 sim before, and i got that heat circuit code after i put my headers on, and car seemed fine, drove it like that for about a month? the only new code, since i put that cam in is the random/multiple misfire code, so thats why i just thought it was from the cam.... but you think something else is wrong? since only the #6 plug is covered in carbon? that wouldnt just be an air/fuel issue? i woulda thought that all the plugs would look like that , but they dont.
                          i just ordered the mini afc 2.0, but if you dont think that will work what should i try next? a coil pack maybe?
                          later,<br />alan<br />1999 bright red v6<br />3800 series III<br />208\\210 comp cam<br />3000 stall edge tc


                          • #14
                            also is it possible that it has something to do with a valve being stuck open or something??
                            later,<br />alan<br />1999 bright red v6<br />3800 series III<br />208\\210 comp cam<br />3000 stall edge tc


                            • #15
                              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by aalugo2000:
                              I was also getting the o2 sensor heat circuit code, and some other o2 sensor code, I put in an 02 sim before...

                              .... but you think something else is wrong? since only the #6 plug is covered in carbon? That wouldn't just be an air/fuel issue? I woulda thought that all the plugs would look like that, but they dont.

                              I just ordered the mini afc 2.0, but if you dont think that will work what should I try next? A coil pack maybe?

                              Where did you put the o2 sim? The one downstream of the cat? That should be ok. You still have the sim on it?

                              Yep, if only one plug is fouling, then something is going on with just that cylinder. You said it has carbon. Is it fluffy? oily? wet?

                              I think something like a mini-afc has a place, and I think if you are running rich overall, then it could help with that. If you use it to get the idle leaned out, it can affect wot operation too. So you need to be sure it doesn't make you run lean at wot, because you can melt a piston then. You need a way to monitor the o2 readings, something like autotap, or a wideband dyno run, to make sure the setting is good across different operating conditions.

                              The mini-afc isn't going to single out #6 for you. You could start diagnosing the problem by switching two coil packs and see if the problem moves to a different cylinder... If so, then it's the coil pack. If the problem remains, then it's the plug wire or the plug.

                              If it was just a miss on a clean plug, it could be something in the valvetrain. But if the plug is fouling, I'm thinking ignition...
                              \'98 A4 Camaro v6-&gt;v8 conversion, and STS kit next<br />v6: 13.6 Powerdyne, 13.2 150 shot, 13.8 120 shot, 14.3 85 shot, 15.7 stock<br />v8(na): 12.18@113, 392rwhp<br />Moderator on <a href=\"http://www.mtfba.org\" target=\"_blank\">www.mtfba.org</a> and <a href=\"http://www.frrax.com\" target=\"_blank\">www.frrax.com</a> (Road Race & Autocross)<br /><a href=\"http://community.webshots.com/user/johnduncan10\" target=\"_blank\">Car pics</a>, <a href=\"http://www.trscca.com\" target=\"_blank\">TN Region SCCA</a>


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