Ideal A/F ratio - Message Board


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Ideal A/F ratio

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  • Ideal A/F ratio

    I was doing some research on my 14.5 A/F ratio and I came accross this:
    It says:
    This is a major topic for debate and this small article won’t change that one little bit. As we all know the 14.7:1 air/fuel ratio is the ratio of air to fuel is the best ratio for emissions; hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are at their combined lowest levels. This might be great for emissions but how does that effect maximum horsepower? For maximum power, we are looking for an air/fuel ratio between 12.7:1 to 13:1. Usually those engines which have the manifold system delivering better mixture distribution tend to operate at a slightly leaner air/fuel ratio. But if we remove this variable from the equation, we then find the mixture ratio for maximum power is close to 13:1. The only exceptions to this ratio is on engines that have too much compression.
    Also our site says this:
    When these conditions are met, the system enters Closed Loop. In Closed Loop the PCM changes fuel injector on-time based on the signal from the HO2S. This allows the air/fuel ratio to stay very close to 14.7:1.
    So is this correct? is my 14.5 A/F ratio correct and I'm, not running lean at all? I am so confused.
    New Toy Red 94 Formula LT1
    RT: .0006 60': 1.894 1/8 mile: 8.351 @ 84.89 1/4 mile: 12.974 @ 107.81
    crashed Red 96 Camaro 3.8l: 14.91 @ 92.38
    The ex wife's Black 98 Firebird 3.8l: 15.23 @ 88.12

  • #2
    well.. at crusing speeds 14.5 is pretty normal..

    at WOT thats f-ing terrable..

    post a picture of your dyno graph and I can tell you whats up..


    • #3
      I will see if I can get a screen shot of my dyno graph.
      New Toy Red 94 Formula LT1
      RT: .0006 60': 1.894 1/8 mile: 8.351 @ 84.89 1/4 mile: 12.974 @ 107.81
      crashed Red 96 Camaro 3.8l: 14.91 @ 92.38
      The ex wife's Black 98 Firebird 3.8l: 15.23 @ 88.12


      • #4
        @ WOT 14.5:1 would suck if your not tuned for it you could get detonation if you hold it WOT long enough (like my moms '91 ford explorer on the interstate). The less then 13:1 A/F's help cool the intake charge with the evarporation of the gas, the liquid fuel droplets hit the plug and help cool it to fight of detonation. If the plug gets to hot it will light off the droplets, but that is where the octaine of the gas comes onto play(bad oil control and having oil droplets in the intake charge can do the same thing, because oil has an effective octaine rating of less then 20, it hits the plug and lights off of on the compression stroke usally).
        \'85 Z28, T-tops new LG4 and TH700<br />\'85 3.4L 5-speed<br />mods: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> the nitrous exhaust O2 safety, pg 3. <br />Areo space materal engineer wantabe


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