Here's the situation, and it's sort of funny. I just picked up my first HPP magazine the other day. I do have a Camaro and that's probably why. It's a great magazine and I'll be reading it from now on. Anyway, I was on the can reading it tonight and I was reading about fuel pressure and how a car needs to maintain atmospheric pressure through maximum load. The thing that I was thinking about is that of course big HP cars change to high flow fuel pumps and larger injectors. Of course we're not making a huge jump with 75-100 HP increase but it is relative. Now I know some have not recieved the gains from the Super Six power pack and have said the culpret is PCM tuning. Well, I was thinking that perhaps higher fuel pressure could help. I'm not saying that a huge increase is going to come from this, but, if say we have 275-300 HP on a car then perhaps we should increase the fuel pressure by 4 or 5 PSI over the atmospheric reading. I'm no expert on the technical aspects of our cars, or any cars for that matter. But, I'm learning and I was thinking that this might be something that could help for that little extra bit. Maybe 5-8 HP could be seen, maybe. That's what I hope we could see but I'm thinking the reality might be around 3-4 HP.
So let me know what you think.
So let me know what you think.