4.1 Stroker Questions - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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4.1 Stroker Questions

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  • 4.1 Stroker Questions

    Ive already done the search and it seems no one has tried this kit. I am going to order the 4.1 stoker and ive already choosen a cam. I was wondering if anyone has tried to do this? if so what were the results? and if there is anything you guys recommend me doing while my engine is apart or just anyones opinion. otherwise i guess im going to be a pioneer for this. thanks for the help

  • #2
    I think that it is not a Strong or Durable upgrade if I remember reading some threads on it. (cast not forged crank)?

    I might be wrong. Yep, not many if any fboders have done that mod.

    You might also try the grand prix forums. they have the L36 as well and beef them up pretty good too.

    Be careful with the zzp stuf. They are primarly FWD grand prix oriented. be very careful with what you order from them.

    club gp... http://www.clubgp.com/newforum/defau...heck=775668129

    3800 tech .com http://www.3800tech.com/forum/

    a pre release posting of the up and coming Intense billet stroker...

    Good luck. This is serious bidness.

    01 Firebird A4 3.42
    Powerdyne @ 6 PSI
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    • #3
      No f-bod that i know have has done it but there are a bunch of GP's that have..

      results will be good..

      recomendations: unless you plan on staying NA dont do it!! nirtous or boost with that combo => broken crank..

      While hte negine is apart you might as well upgrade your connecting rods, pushrods, pistons, heads ect ect ect.. IMHO do it all or dont waste your time..


      • #4
        All they do is mill the stock crank and make it VERY weak, on the website they even say not to use it with ANY power adders. It's not worht it at all in my opinion. Instead of having a pretty durable cast crank you have a piece of crap.


        • #5
          wow.. but if i was gunna go down that road i would definaly wait for that zzp crank.. good find gray


          • #6
            If your staying NA, I think its a great choice. ZZPs car that has that crank and I believe their stage 3 cam ran a 12.6. [img]smile.gif[/img]
            92 S10 3800 A4(96)<br />1/4: 14.374 @ 92.25 w/ 1.976 60\'<br />Turbo and 12\'s Coming Soon!


            • #7
              Yeah i was planning on staying NA....the only thing im worried about is the reliability of the crank....would it be alot stonger if i got it cryo treated?


              • #8
                Actually I found something interesting.....
                they have a 4.2 stoker kit that isnt a reworked L36 crank.....would it work in our cars?


                • #9
                  wow.. that come racing crank sounds pretty good..

                  I dont see why it wouldent work, but the shipping would probably blow huge..


                  • #10
                    On 3800tech, intense said they have a forged crank coming soon.

                    I would not worry about breaking the ZZP crank NA. Its a good price, a forge one is going to cost more than twice that price.
                    92 S10 3800 A4(96)<br />1/4: 14.374 @ 92.25 w/ 1.976 60\'<br />Turbo and 12\'s Coming Soon!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 38fury:
                      All they do is mill the stock crank and make it VERY weak, on the website they even say not to use it with ANY power adders. It's not worht it at all in my opinion. Instead of having a pretty durable cast crank you have a piece of crap.
                      if the process is done right, along w/stress releaving the machining processes, strength shouldn't be an issue. The lightening of the crank is exactly why power adders are not reccomended. IT's called running N/A.
                      1978 Formula 461 in progress of being built :rock:
                      2013 Ram 1500 Big Horn

                      former owner of 85 bird w/ 2.8 - 3.4 - 3800 II - 5.0
                      94 comero 3.4


                      • #12
                        Actually, there is only one stroker kit out there.(that us FWD L36 owners know of) Thats the ZZP GT car that ran 12.6s with Zooomers GF driving it.

                        There should be no problem with the crank failing on you though. The billit crank from Intense would be overkill for a L36 IMO.

                        Yes, you need to stay N/A in order for the stroker, but you said you wanted to, so thats ok.

                        Also, If you gonna stroke, might as well get the GT2 cam, or save up for some heads and get the GT3 cam. That will be a wild combo shooting 13 second passes in RWD L36 cars easily.

                        ZZP did start making the parts for GPs, but since we share the L36 engine, alot of the important parts are the same. IE cams, heads, crank. ;) [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img]

                        Also, down under in ausse land, they do call the L36 an Ecotech. ;)
                        1999 Grand Prix GT<br /><br /><a href=\"http://www.fishsgt.com\" target=\"_blank\">www.fishsgt.com</a><br /><br />Best ET: 14.94@91.25MPH with a 2.2 60\"


                        • #13
                          Thats what I was origianlly going to do but i talked to come racing and they said their 4.2 stoker kit would work in our cars past a 95. It makes about 295 Fly HP. It seems like it is a lot nicer kit since it comes with a forged crank and pistons. tell me what you guys think about that kit? thanks


                          • #14
                            It sounds nice.. if i was gunna use it i would get that heads and cam.. and build it pretty high compression and then spray the piss out of it..

                            but thats just me..

                            honestly I would wait and see what the intense crank turns out to be like before i would get the comeracing crank..


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