ok like WTF :mad:
about 2 weeks ago my car started idling high... err ok seen this many times on the board..... had the TPS voltage codes.... and the lag from gas to go was ReALLY bad..
replace TPS and all was good till tonight:
same thing!!!!!!! throws TPS inactivey and LEAN in both banks...
ok it's Deff not lean my wideband is under 11 at cruse and 14ish when acceling and lean out on decel.
errr so i did clean and oil my K&N about 1 month ago
also it was surging kinda tonight i was cusing and it woul fall on it face then pick up then fall wit hout me moving my foot...
i reved it once or twice and one time it about killed it self trying to idle...
now i loged some HPT WTF look at the misfires..... i can NOt feel these when driving i know OQV6 said it could be cuase of the cam... so here is the log so are these real or "fake"
about 2 weeks ago my car started idling high... err ok seen this many times on the board..... had the TPS voltage codes.... and the lag from gas to go was ReALLY bad..
replace TPS and all was good till tonight:
same thing!!!!!!! throws TPS inactivey and LEAN in both banks...
ok it's Deff not lean my wideband is under 11 at cruse and 14ish when acceling and lean out on decel.
errr so i did clean and oil my K&N about 1 month ago
also it was surging kinda tonight i was cusing and it woul fall on it face then pick up then fall wit hout me moving my foot...
i reved it once or twice and one time it about killed it self trying to idle...
now i loged some HPT WTF look at the misfires..... i can NOt feel these when driving i know OQV6 said it could be cuase of the cam... so here is the log so are these real or "fake"
