Well last night I installed the MiniAFC from ZZP. Got it tuned pretty well, O2's were running about 830-870 depending on RPM. It did take some work to get it that close. I had runs where I was really lean and others when I was really rich. Back and forth a few times. I wonder if this may have caused any damage to my engine. This knocking sound im not sure what it is and I havent had any time to troubleshoot it. It is sitting at home parked. I will look at it tonight but can you give me any ideas? I did notice while driving the knocking noise got worse. And my RPM's fall very very fast wich is not like my car at all. And I recently did a cam swap but its been running very smooth for about 2 weeks now. So Im not sure this knocking noise is even related.
Please help with any tips, ideas. I will post an update later after I get a chance to look at it some more.
Please help with any tips, ideas. I will post an update later after I get a chance to look at it some more.