My car goes in the shop on Wednesday to get a Built LT1 motor dropped in I stumbled across a LT1 that has 22,000 miles on a fresh build up the heads were shaved it was cammed and roller/rockered one of the guys from my local track owns a shop and is throwing it in for $3200.00 includes everything i need minus the work to the rear end I.E ( LSD WITH 373 and full suspension package ) and a new bell housing
1. any thoughts or suggestions on lsds or wich ones are reliable.
2. I will have parts for sale from the old 3.8 let me know what you need and i will see if it is worth selling or not sold yet.
1. any thoughts or suggestions on lsds or wich ones are reliable.
2. I will have parts for sale from the old 3.8 let me know what you need and i will see if it is worth selling or not sold yet.