I'm thinking about swapping a '00 pcm and harness into my car, so I can use an hpp3 to tweak it.
I've been studying the pinouts on both cars, in the tech database. The changes seem to be very minimal. Looks like 3 new pins used on each bank. (there is some stuff not used anymore, but I don't think I care about the deletions - 9 pins - mostly iac and tps)
Trying to get a handle on the new pins... Would like to know if anyone can confirm, or add to, what I know so far.
The clear bank adds:
8 - Engine speed out
9 - Delivered torque out
24 - Cruise release signal
The blue bank adds:
14 - TAC serial data
70 - Theft deterrent fuel enable
71 - Requested torque input
I'm guessing that 71 is the gas pedal, and 9 is the electric throttle. (torque in, torque out)
What is 8? Another tach signal? What needs it? The cruise control unit possibly?
What is 14? What is TAC? What provides it or needs it? (sounds kind of like throttle actuate something or other...)
70 - fuel enable - unless I rewire the fuel relay, I can probably ignore this one? Because apparently my '98 didn't have an enable/disable.
Pin 24 - cruise release. My '98 doesn't have this pin. However, it did have 59 cruise engaged, and 72 cruise inhibit, both of which have been deleted in the '00. Am I going to have to convert over to a '00 cruise control box in order to have cruise with this pcm?
I've been studying the pinouts on both cars, in the tech database. The changes seem to be very minimal. Looks like 3 new pins used on each bank. (there is some stuff not used anymore, but I don't think I care about the deletions - 9 pins - mostly iac and tps)
Trying to get a handle on the new pins... Would like to know if anyone can confirm, or add to, what I know so far.
The clear bank adds:
8 - Engine speed out
9 - Delivered torque out
24 - Cruise release signal
The blue bank adds:
14 - TAC serial data
70 - Theft deterrent fuel enable
71 - Requested torque input
I'm guessing that 71 is the gas pedal, and 9 is the electric throttle. (torque in, torque out)
What is 8? Another tach signal? What needs it? The cruise control unit possibly?
What is 14? What is TAC? What provides it or needs it? (sounds kind of like throttle actuate something or other...)
70 - fuel enable - unless I rewire the fuel relay, I can probably ignore this one? Because apparently my '98 didn't have an enable/disable.
Pin 24 - cruise release. My '98 doesn't have this pin. However, it did have 59 cruise engaged, and 72 cruise inhibit, both of which have been deleted in the '00. Am I going to have to convert over to a '00 cruise control box in order to have cruise with this pcm?