Hi hows it going my 1999 firebird has recently spun a main bearing.
I belive coolant got into the system which caused the bearing to spin through a leaking head, i checked the gasket over
and over and could not find a crack but there was what looked to be alout of rust on the one head. Ive onyl had the car for 2 weeeksso dont knwo alout about prices on the stuff it needs but i figured im going need
1.New bearings 85.00 for rod and main
2.Grind down the crank or turn it
3.My dad wants a new cam cause the engine has 125,000 miles on it but is saw all the cams were
like 300 dollars so if anyone know where i cheaper ones are let me know
4. New head if it is cracked or vavle job
5.Gasket kit hopefully GM makes a complete one
6. New piston rings
7. New freeze plugs
So im going need all this plus labor does anyone know how much they think all this would cost, or does anyone know if it would be cheaper to go with a new long block so i can have new heads. I didnt really want to spend more than 800-1000$. I know a long block is really high but maybe someone knows a discount place. And i also im only looking for stock parts not performance well maybe just a perfromance cam but not psiton or rods or lifters at this point i just want he thing to run lol
I belive coolant got into the system which caused the bearing to spin through a leaking head, i checked the gasket over
and over and could not find a crack but there was what looked to be alout of rust on the one head. Ive onyl had the car for 2 weeeksso dont knwo alout about prices on the stuff it needs but i figured im going need
1.New bearings 85.00 for rod and main
2.Grind down the crank or turn it
3.My dad wants a new cam cause the engine has 125,000 miles on it but is saw all the cams were
like 300 dollars so if anyone know where i cheaper ones are let me know
4. New head if it is cracked or vavle job
5.Gasket kit hopefully GM makes a complete one
6. New piston rings
7. New freeze plugs
So im going need all this plus labor does anyone know how much they think all this would cost, or does anyone know if it would be cheaper to go with a new long block so i can have new heads. I didnt really want to spend more than 800-1000$. I know a long block is really high but maybe someone knows a discount place. And i also im only looking for stock parts not performance well maybe just a perfromance cam but not psiton or rods or lifters at this point i just want he thing to run lol