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Malice- MAFT+ q's

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  • Malice- MAFT+ q's

    i saw the topic that you posted waaaaay back in the day (little over a year ago) about your experiences with a MAFT+... do you still have it? how do you like it in warmer weather? what are the best settings for it that you found? will it be the same on an A4 car? im looking for a cheap way to lean out my car (see other thread), short of doing hp tuners. i have heard about MAFT+, mini-AFC, and that slp "gizmo" on which would you reccomend? have you had experience with any of these others i mentioned?

    im convinced these cars run a tad rich from the factory, and i want to advance the timing or SOMETHING to save on gas and get a few extra hp in the process.

    btw if i were to get the MAFT+/miniAFC/gizmo/ would it work in conjunction with hp tuners in the future? though i dont want to pop for it now, once i have a h/c package i'd really like to have the full tunability there. but for now i just want to get a lil more power and gas mileage. are any of these a smart investment? thanks in advance
    V-SEX!<br /><br />intake/exhaust ;)<br />plenty appearence<br /><br />Within my grasp: 14\'s :)

  • #2
    Wow. SOmeone posted an entire topic with my name in the title. I feel special. I guess now I am obligated to respond.

    I sold my MAFT+ about 2 months ago. If you only want to tinker with your fuel curves, get the mini AFC. If you want to tinker with fuel and spark, get the MAFT+. The + is for the timing option. Get a new one from There are plenty of used ones floating around for sale, but I am fully convinced that they go bad over time. Mine did anyways.

    As far as settings go. Most people here have a consensus about it. Set the fuel curve 1 or 2 notches lean. I think it is like 2% per notch. Then advance the timing a couple notches. Again, its something like 2* per notch. ( I think)

    It will work fine with an automatic transmission. It is compatible with HP tuners to my knowledge. Using the two together would be like going around your elbow to get to your thumb. If You get HP tuners, your MAFT+ will be absolutley unnessesary.

    You are right in assuming that the 3800 is a little rich in its stock form.

    The mini AFC lets you tweak your fuel curve in increments of 1%. The MAFT does it in either 2% or 5% increments, I can't remember which.
    1999 red camaro v6 M5: with a turbo<br />13.52@107.99<br />No, seriously: Who Farted? <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


    • #3
      ok so which would you reccomend for me at this time? it sounds like the maft+ is more versatile, but if it goes bad after a while i may be better off with the mini afc. however, when you lean out a car you want to advance the timing a bit as well right? im not too worried about it becoming unneccesary once i get hp tuners. thanks for helping me out.
      V-SEX!<br /><br />intake/exhaust ;)<br />plenty appearence<br /><br />Within my grasp: 14\'s :)


      • #4
        I would get the MAFT+ if I were you. If you get the AFC, you will be happy with it for about 2 weeks, then you will wish you got something to adjust timing.

        The MAFT+ isn't made of fruit, so don't concern yourself with it rotting shortly after you buy it. It will be fine for what you need it for.
        1999 red camaro v6 M5: with a turbo<br />13.52@107.99<br />No, seriously: Who Farted? <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


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