Wow, autotapped, Magnus step in and save me please!!!! ANYBODY Who Can Help! - Message Board


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Wow, autotapped, Magnus step in and save me please!!!! ANYBODY Who Can Help!

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  • Wow, autotapped, Magnus step in and save me please!!!! ANYBODY Who Can Help!

    Holy crap, I went ahead and autotapped my car at cruise (60-70 MPH), cruise to WOT, and idle. I cant get the freaking logs off my buds computer so I wrote them in charts to put on the web, please check em out and let me know whats up!

    Forgot to add, I have a MAFT (not plus) to help tune with but I need to know what is wrong and how to fix it first!

    [ October 06, 2003: Message edited by: cboney2000 ]</p>
    C. Boney<br />1997 Firebird 3.8L V6<br />---------------------<br />Modifications:<br /> <br /> SLP Cold Air Induction, Ported/Polished Throttle Body, Carsound 3\" High Flow Cat, Sweet Thunder 24\" Chambered Muffler, Removed Rear Exhaust Section, Custom Fan Switch, 35th Anniv. Silver Stripes, Old T/A-Style Silver Sail Birds

  • #2
    First off, you need get rid of the Knock Retard. It could be as simple as upping to 89 or 93 octane gas.

    Once you fix that, then maybe you could benfit from adding 2% at wot w/ the maft. But you'll need new logs once you solve the KR first.
    Keith - 99 'maro - White M5 - bumpstick and boltons - 13.65 @ 101 N/A
    "I ain't too big to listen to the rumors, I'm just too @#$% big to pay attention to them" - Dr. Dre


    • #3
      Put some 89 gas in today and will continue to from now on. WOT setting is to 4% rich now and it seems to be running better, don't wanna up it any more until I log it again. More advice?
      C. Boney<br />1997 Firebird 3.8L V6<br />---------------------<br />Modifications:<br /> <br /> SLP Cold Air Induction, Ported/Polished Throttle Body, Carsound 3\" High Flow Cat, Sweet Thunder 24\" Chambered Muffler, Removed Rear Exhaust Section, Custom Fan Switch, 35th Anniv. Silver Stripes, Old T/A-Style Silver Sail Birds


      • #4
        what exactly do you think is wrong?

        You need more data..
        tell us what you are trying to trouble shoot..

        then we will tell you what to log..

        then you will go out and you will do some better logging by doing full WOT runs from a dead stop..

        let me know and i will try to help..


        • #5
          few things..

          your MAF readings are low... what did you do to your MAF or TB? What are your MAF settings at, base should be at 0.

          Your car is running lean cause of whacky MAF readings.

          If you drive the car hard and do a lot of WOT you need 93 octain period.
          Keith - Chicago<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HP Tuners - PCM Reprogramming</a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">97 Firebird V6 to LS1 swap</a><br /><b>V8 9.967@132.78</b> 1.322 60\' NA Heads/Cam<br /><b>V8 10.295@128.48</b> 1.363 60\' NA Cam Only<br /><b>V8 10.987@119.31</b> 1.422 60\' NA Stock Internals<br /><b>V6 13.674@98.22</b> NA<br /><b>V6 12.394@104.91</b> N20 100HP


          • #6
            The throttle body post is fully ported out and I have a newer style MAF in (with the scoop). I don't run the car at WOT, did once to get the logs of it but the car's mileage is kinda high and it is my transportation so I dont run it hard (past 3500 rpm's). Anyways, my goal is to get rid of the knock as much as possible and get the o2's stabilized to the normal readings, or closest to it as possible. Car seems to be running better with 89 octane and 4% rich on the WOT Setting for the MAFT. I did not change the base settings.
            C. Boney<br />1997 Firebird 3.8L V6<br />---------------------<br />Modifications:<br /> <br /> SLP Cold Air Induction, Ported/Polished Throttle Body, Carsound 3\" High Flow Cat, Sweet Thunder 24\" Chambered Muffler, Removed Rear Exhaust Section, Custom Fan Switch, 35th Anniv. Silver Stripes, Old T/A-Style Silver Sail Birds


            • #7
              what scoop? The newer style maf should kinda look like the whole old setup with teh post. Air goes in on top, comes out on the bottom.
              Keith - Chicago<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HP Tuners - PCM Reprogramming</a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">97 Firebird V6 to LS1 swap</a><br /><b>V8 9.967@132.78</b> 1.322 60\' NA Heads/Cam<br /><b>V8 10.295@128.48</b> 1.363 60\' NA Cam Only<br /><b>V8 10.987@119.31</b> 1.422 60\' NA Stock Internals<br /><b>V6 13.674@98.22</b> NA<br /><b>V6 12.394@104.91</b> N20 100HP


              • #8
                what does WOT mean?
                ~The Guru\'s Guru~<br />1999 Camaro,K&N,!MAF<br />!airsilencer,3.08s,<br />NGK-TR6\'s,Taylor Blue 8mm wires,FRAM,A4,Catco Cat, Magnaflow 3 inch catback,transgo shift kit<br />Waiting: RK sport headers, custom y pipe electric cutout<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                • #9
                  <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jc Kyle:
                  what does WOT mean?<hr></blockquote>

                  Wide Open Throttle [img]graemlins/burnout.gif[/img]


                  • #10
                    if you have high mileage you might have some carbon buildup which could cause knock (via hot spots and increased compression ratios). run a can of your favoriate carbon cleaner through the engine (techron, seafoam, bg 44k, et al).


                    • #11
                      Yeah, the new MAF sensor looks like the whole post from the older version, by scoop I meant the bottom part that helps funnel it to the top. I might just go ahead and put a new throttle body on to fix it b/c if it's not reading the air right and is screwing everything else up, the hell with it. I'm sure somebody will want to deal with it so I'll probably sell it with the newer style MAF installed or trade it for a 95-97 stock throttle body and be done with it.
                      C. Boney<br />1997 Firebird 3.8L V6<br />---------------------<br />Modifications:<br /> <br /> SLP Cold Air Induction, Ported/Polished Throttle Body, Carsound 3\" High Flow Cat, Sweet Thunder 24\" Chambered Muffler, Removed Rear Exhaust Section, Custom Fan Switch, 35th Anniv. Silver Stripes, Old T/A-Style Silver Sail Birds


                      • #12
                        You sure your sensor is on the right way? The air goes into the top and is funneld toward the bottom.
                        Keith - Chicago<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HP Tuners - PCM Reprogramming</a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">97 Firebird V6 to LS1 swap</a><br /><b>V8 9.967@132.78</b> 1.322 60\' NA Heads/Cam<br /><b>V8 10.295@128.48</b> 1.363 60\' NA Cam Only<br /><b>V8 10.987@119.31</b> 1.422 60\' NA Stock Internals<br /><b>V6 13.674@98.22</b> NA<br /><b>V6 12.394@104.91</b> N20 100HP


                        • #13
                          Yep, goes in through the top, comes out the bottom. It's in right for sure.
                          C. Boney<br />1997 Firebird 3.8L V6<br />---------------------<br />Modifications:<br /> <br /> SLP Cold Air Induction, Ported/Polished Throttle Body, Carsound 3\" High Flow Cat, Sweet Thunder 24\" Chambered Muffler, Removed Rear Exhaust Section, Custom Fan Switch, 35th Anniv. Silver Stripes, Old T/A-Style Silver Sail Birds


                          • #14
                            Thanx for all the replys, but I found out the problem lied elsewhere than the MAF sensor. I took it to my mechanic and he tested the o2 sensors and found that both the ones on each manifold were burned out, not sure how but they were. My knock sensors were also going nutz b/c of a loose rocker I had causing some vibration he said and he tightened them down the two loose ones for me, only cost me a valve cover gasket and two new sensors [img]smile.gif[/img] Autotapped it again yesterday and it's running great again, just in time for my parents to tell me that my new engine is on the way but I have to put stock parts on it [img]graemlins/crybaby.gif[/img] or else they wouldn't cover it. Anyways, thanx again for the help, especially u Magnus for the quick replies!
                            C. Boney<br />1997 Firebird 3.8L V6<br />---------------------<br />Modifications:<br /> <br /> SLP Cold Air Induction, Ported/Polished Throttle Body, Carsound 3\" High Flow Cat, Sweet Thunder 24\" Chambered Muffler, Removed Rear Exhaust Section, Custom Fan Switch, 35th Anniv. Silver Stripes, Old T/A-Style Silver Sail Birds


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