For the past few monthes i have been having a problem with my coolant level going down ill add about a 1/4-1/2 gallon each time about once every 1 or 2 weeks. but the problem is i have no HOSE leaks i have drove my car came home parked it over cardboard no drips, let its rum for 10-15 minutes till the gauge gets up to 190-200 no drips. But i have been noticing steam coming out from under the hood on my 2 mile trip to work in the mornings. So i am guessing that it is the intake manifold gasket cause i see some what looks to be coolant sitting on top on the heads. I was wondering if maybe it leaks just until the motor warms up and eveything expands and seals itself?? since it is a cast iron block with aluminum manifold. is there anywere else coolant could be escaping from that i have overlooked ?? i ordered valve cover gaskets and intake manifold gasket from summit should be here by friday i plan on doing it saturday and/or sunday. If anyone has any advice it would be greatley appreciated.
