Just about got the A4 yanked out of the Firebird last night. I'm doing the Sonnex TCC solenoid thing, changing the Trans fluid to synthetic, new filter, and replacing the Pump seal, tailshaft housing seal, and engine rear main seal.
I bought a crappy Haynes manual yesterday and now I remember why I hate their manuals. It shows the same rear main seal replacement procedure as the 3.4 V6!:mad:
Can anyone tell me the tightening sequence and torque for the rear cover bolts on the back of my 99' 3800 engine. This is the cover that houses the rear seal and is bolted to the engine block rear wall, between the block and the flex plate.
I bought a crappy Haynes manual yesterday and now I remember why I hate their manuals. It shows the same rear main seal replacement procedure as the 3.4 V6!:mad:
Can anyone tell me the tightening sequence and torque for the rear cover bolts on the back of my 99' 3800 engine. This is the cover that houses the rear seal and is bolted to the engine block rear wall, between the block and the flex plate.