My car is in the shop. I was driving it day before last and all the sudden it droped form 25mph to 10mph, my SES light came on as well as the Reduced Engine Power light. The car wouldnt turn over more than 2grand. It is now at Moses Pontiac and it is what I and the guy who tuned my car thought it was after we checked it with his lap top. It was the Throttle Posision Censor in the TB and it was also the Tachometer censor in the throttle pedal. As my car dont have a throttle cable. Its an electronic fly-by wire. I should have it back on the road Monday and the cam tune back in it Thursday.
Would this have anythign with us turning the torque management off?
Do many of you guys turn this feature off when you tune your cars?
Would this have anythign with us turning the torque management off?
Do many of you guys turn this feature off when you tune your cars?