Has anyone heard of this? There was a show about it on speed channel, and I just caught parts of it, but they were talking about a new engine design that uses solenoids to open and close the valves instead of a camshaft. It is supposed to have a perfect power curve, completely computerized and will make a stock engine go from about 35% efficient with a camshaft to closer to 60% with the solenoids. They were also experimenting with a new metal that has been fused with some sort of ceramic material.
Has anyone else heard of this b/c I didn't have time to watch the whole thing, so I don't even know which automaker was designing it, Sounds like a major advancement though.
Has anyone else heard of this b/c I didn't have time to watch the whole thing, so I don't even know which automaker was designing it, Sounds like a major advancement though.