I have another thread about my engine rebuild but I figured I should start a seperate one for this.
I got my engine/tranny pulled tonight, seperated them, and forgot that I should've broke the crank pulley bolt loose with it in the car and in gear etc etc.
Anyways, so the engine is sitting on the engine lift, on the floor. I cant get it to break loose!
I tried jamming wrenches, extensions, etc in the flywheel and having a buddy turn the bolt with me standing on the engine to keep it from moving but sh!t the damn thing wont stay still! I havent bought the longer bolts to mount it on the engine stand yet...not 24 hour parts stores down here period. :(
Sooo. anyone got any ideas on how I can break this thing loose sitting here? Im thinking once I get it on the engine stand it MIGHT be easier, since the engine will be more stable.
Any suggestions on what to jam into the flywheel to keep the crank from turning while trying to break the blt loose? I am at a loss here and am not sure I will even be able to break it once it's on the engine stand....
I bought a big *** break bar and the correct socket tonight, it seems to flex a tad but not much. If I could get the engine to stay still I might be able to slide a pipe over the breaker bar to break it loose like that. I did that on my LS1 Camaro and it worked nicely.
Thanks guys, I will be glad to get that off so I can tear down the engine and figure out why it blew.
I got my engine/tranny pulled tonight, seperated them, and forgot that I should've broke the crank pulley bolt loose with it in the car and in gear etc etc.
Anyways, so the engine is sitting on the engine lift, on the floor. I cant get it to break loose!
I tried jamming wrenches, extensions, etc in the flywheel and having a buddy turn the bolt with me standing on the engine to keep it from moving but sh!t the damn thing wont stay still! I havent bought the longer bolts to mount it on the engine stand yet...not 24 hour parts stores down here period. :(
Sooo. anyone got any ideas on how I can break this thing loose sitting here? Im thinking once I get it on the engine stand it MIGHT be easier, since the engine will be more stable.
Any suggestions on what to jam into the flywheel to keep the crank from turning while trying to break the blt loose? I am at a loss here and am not sure I will even be able to break it once it's on the engine stand....
I bought a big *** break bar and the correct socket tonight, it seems to flex a tad but not much. If I could get the engine to stay still I might be able to slide a pipe over the breaker bar to break it loose like that. I did that on my LS1 Camaro and it worked nicely.
Thanks guys, I will be glad to get that off so I can tear down the engine and figure out why it blew.