Rainy day in the shop, decided to organize my stuff:

For interiors, this thing is almost creepy how well it works. It will take grease out of upholstery, soda out of headliners, detail your engine bay, anything you can think of.

I haven't found anything better than Bleche Wite for cleaning tires. I also like Jax Wax stuff, they're local, by the airport. Their wheel cleaner goes from green to purple as it cleans - Pretty cool.

I use these car washes through my foam cannon as a regular wash and when I claybar. I like going with two buckets when I wash using the grate for the dirty water. The purple stuff comes with a childproof lid - for good reason, it smells delicious.

When I do a correction, you can't go wrong with products from Griot's Garage.

For interiors, this thing is almost creepy how well it works. It will take grease out of upholstery, soda out of headliners, detail your engine bay, anything you can think of.

I haven't found anything better than Bleche Wite for cleaning tires. I also like Jax Wax stuff, they're local, by the airport. Their wheel cleaner goes from green to purple as it cleans - Pretty cool.

I use these car washes through my foam cannon as a regular wash and when I claybar. I like going with two buckets when I wash using the grate for the dirty water. The purple stuff comes with a childproof lid - for good reason, it smells delicious.

When I do a correction, you can't go wrong with products from Griot's Garage.