Thinking of buying ZAINO; Have Questions - Message Board


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Thinking of buying ZAINO; Have Questions

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  • Thinking of buying ZAINO; Have Questions

    Interested in giving Zaino a try. I use & SWEAR by Durashine. Absolutely NOTHING i've ever used has ever come close to it's shine and easy of use. Water SHEETS off rather than BEAD so car dries in matter of minutes with NO water spots. Course, driving eventually adds bits of dust to the car and so I usually can just use a gentle stream of water and it's renewed back to before.

    A person I know uses Durashine and then uses Meguiars Quik Detailer . It's a light spray you spray on and wipe dry. It REALLY reduces any dust forming around the car but it changes the water to BEAD... When this happens, it dries to ugly water spots..

    Curiousity has gotten the best of me and so I am want to try Zaino. I am mainly curious as to it's effectiveness in the long run.

    However, I have some questions that I would greatly appreciate answered before I spend this amount (close to $200 Canadian!!!!)

    I'm in Canada, Vancouver BC to be exact.. (WETTEST place in Canada)

    As a result, and hearing that Zaino BEADS, I was wondering if these nasty water spots will show up right after a rainfall even with ZAINO?? If this is the case, it would mean I paid $200+ Canadian for ZAINO, spent hours applying it.. only to have nasty water spots as soon as it rains and dries ;-( DURASHINE doesn't dry with beads and so there aren't any water spots.. But bits of dust attract.. So I wanted to test out ZAINO because of the HUGE, HUGE HYPE.. :)

    Here is what DURASHINE does with my car:

    As you can see, DURASHINE does not bad a job.. So you can see why all the questions.. $200+ for another car shine is alot to pay if it will be basically the same as what I have now. ;)

    So here are my questions:

    1. How many coats would you say you need to put on before you really notice a difference between the "competition"?

    2. Do ugly water spots appear every time it rains and dries? (Vancouver would be BAD in this case)

    3. How often would you say you have to ZAINO the car once it's been ZAINO'd? Do you do the entire routine over again? or mainly Zaino Wash it (Z-6)... If so, how often?

    4. Comparison: Z-10 "LEATHER IN A BOTTLE" TREATMENT AND CONDITIONER compared to the stuff I use "Armor All Leather Care Protectant " (Approx. $10Cdn) ? Is Zaino Z-10 really worth the extra $$ (Approx. $20Cdn) or is it basically the same as what I use? (In other words, "SAVE YOUR MONEY")

    5. Comparison: Z-12 CLEAR-VIEW GLASS POLISH: What exactly is this? Like Windex to clean the windows?
    Z-14 PLASTIC-MAGIC CLEANER & POLISH: Is this really WORTH. (Approx. $22Cdn) or is it basically the same as what I use? (In other words, "SAVE YOUR MONEY")

    6. Comparison: Z-14 PLASTIC-MAGIC CLEANER & POLISH: compared to the stuff I use "Turtle Wax Black Chrome Cleaner/Sealant" (Approx. $10Cdn) ? Is Zaino Z-14 really worth the extra $$ (Approx. $22Cdn) or is it basically the same as what I use? (In other words, "SAVE YOUR MONEY")

    7. Comparison: Z-16 PERFECT TIRE GLOSS: compared to the stuff I use "Meguiars Gold Class Endurance High Gloss Tire Shine" (Approx. $14Cdn) (This large 473ml. bottle will EASILY Last 3 years or more) ? Is Zaino Z-16 really worth the extra $$ (Approx. $22Cdn) or is it basically the same as what I use? (In other words, "SAVE YOUR MONEY"). I've used other products but I want a SHINY look to the tires.. but one that won't attract dust like a magnet.. Meguiars Gold Class Endurance High Gloss Tire Shine" is absolutely incredible.. the shine is amazing.. but it's sticky and attracts dust somewhat.. Is Z-16 a high gloss shine or a small slight clean look.. not much to speak of..?

    8. ZFX™ Flash Cure Accelerator Additive: This is very confusing for me.. I cannot seem to find the answer to this question.. You apply Zaino Z-1 and then ZFX? It says it speeds up drying.. how much faster? Does this mean you don't have to let Z-1 dry for like 24 hours?? This stuff costs $30+ Canadian and it's only 2ML?!?!?!? That like a BUCK A DRIP.. That is way beyond rediculous.. it's smaller than my free 3ml sample of contact lend cleaner..

    9. #314 CUSTOM 4x5 POLISH APPLICATOR: What exactly is this, A terry cloth towel? Is this worth it or just a regular Terry Cloth tower (%100 cotton from USA)?

    10. Anyone here have pictures of all there products? To see a visual representation of the actual size of each of the products..? (here in Canada, we don't use OZ. we use ML.).. I'm curious to know what the applicator looks like.

    If all these products are worth it.. I would be paying $133US ($201Cdn) for all *11* products. (Z1, Z2, Z5, Z6, Z7, Z10, Z12, Z16, Z18, ZFX, & #314)...

    Thanks very much for all your replies.
    1992 Camaro Z28 v8 350. Blue/silver racing stripes, ASCD Iroc Daytona Fiberglass hood. Flowmaster otherwise stock.<p>Webmaster: <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><p><p>Car Featured on Front of BAND CD Case: \"Smack Dab\"

  • #2
    Well I heard its great, but a guy i talked to said that when it rains, "the wax absorbs the water" and the said he called Zaino and they said that he wasnt doing it right when he read the direction. And the aslo said that other ppl had the same problem. That was his only complaint. He said that other than that it is the best wax and cleaner he has ever used.
    Hope that helps.
    2000 Black T/A M6 343rwhp 349rwtq<br />11.94 @ 118 60\'1.79 Stock Internal<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br />AIM: W68Firebird97<br />R.I.P... Christine 12/25/02 <br />1997 Firebird W68 Black<br />14.887 @ 90.08


    • #3
      I'm in Canada and we don't have have DAWN (US Product).. So what detergent can I use to prep the car and remove all polish/wax from the car when you first went to use Zaino?

      Did you use the leather cleaner or conditioner?

      I was hear Zaino's tire gloss is a light gloss.. I like Maguiars because of the HIGH GLOSS..

      Is there a Canadian distributor?

      What is Z-5 for? Is it worth it? if I Z2, do I then Z5, and then Z6? (no Z1 cause i'll have ZFX).
      1992 Camaro Z28 v8 350. Blue/silver racing stripes, ASCD Iroc Daytona Fiberglass hood. Flowmaster otherwise stock.<p>Webmaster: <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><p><p>Car Featured on Front of BAND CD Case: \"Smack Dab\"


      • #4
        This should provide all the answers you'll need without having to type out a long novel post.

        If you have any questions, reply or click the email button.

        The Sandman

        If the sole purpose of you wanting to try Zaino out is for a "better" shine, then you might be disapointed. Several waxes come close to the shine, but none come close as far as protection and life.
        One coat of Zaino will last you MONTHS, including through rain or whatever conditions you're prone to. It won't wear off like wax will.
        Zaino is one of the few products that offer a good UV Protection system, to help prevent your car from fading as rapidly.
        Zaino won't melt off as most cars "protectants" do. The surface of a car can reach 150 degrees on an average day, and most waxes "MELT" off at about 100. (Think of it like wax running off a candle). Zaino can last up to 350 degrees.

        [ June 30, 2002: Message edited by: The Sandman ]</p>
        <b>« Red <i><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Firebird</a></i> »</b>


        • #5
          What kind of packaging was the zaino products put into? (Not the the bottles but the bottles themselves put into). Fancy cardboard box? Are there any printed instructions on how to use zaino, when to put what and what not to do? And printed tips on using zaino put in the packaging?
          1992 Camaro Z28 v8 350. Blue/silver racing stripes, ASCD Iroc Daytona Fiberglass hood. Flowmaster otherwise stock.<p>Webmaster: <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><p><p>Car Featured on Front of BAND CD Case: \"Smack Dab\"


          • #6
            Zaino comes in a box with packing peanuts, nothing special about it.
            There are instructions on the bottles, but for a 'first-timer' you may need a little more help.
            If you need anymore help, like I said, post or email either me or LadyWS6.
            <b>« Red <i><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Firebird</a></i> »</b>


            • #7
              How do you mix Z7? It is SUPER CONCENTRATED but what are the mixing instructions?
              1992 Camaro Z28 v8 350. Blue/silver racing stripes, ASCD Iroc Daytona Fiberglass hood. Flowmaster otherwise stock.<p>Webmaster: <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><p><p>Car Featured on Front of BAND CD Case: \"Smack Dab\"


              • #8
                You pour about a cupfull or two into your wash bucket and spray water in. [img]smile.gif[/img]
                <b>« Red <i><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Firebird</a></i> »</b>


                • #9
                  Still waiting for zaino :) Absolutely torcher having to wait.. :)

                  Does anyone here have any pictures of the ZFX containers and the ZFX itself? Or can take pics of it?

                  I have all the pics of the rest but not that..
                  1992 Camaro Z28 v8 350. Blue/silver racing stripes, ASCD Iroc Daytona Fiberglass hood. Flowmaster otherwise stock.<p>Webmaster: <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><p><p>Car Featured on Front of BAND CD Case: \"Smack Dab\"


                  • #10
                    Put on Zaino.. Absolutely speachless!! DAMN


                    #1. I applied the Z2/Z5/Z6 on my windows.. Is this ok? Left them absolutely CLEAR but perhaps it's not needed and to just use my Z12 (Clear-View Glass Polish)?

                    #2. I used only 1/2 oz. on the ENTIRE CAR with 1 coat (including windows) and only 1/4 oz. for my second coat (Including windows).. Did I use too LITTLE? I know it's less than 1 oz. per coat on a car but 1/4 - 1/2oz. sounds like I should have applied more per coat?

                    #3. Z12 Clear-View Glass Polish says to use on NON-COATED windows.. What's this mean? Aren't front Windshields coated for a bit of tint? Windshields always displace water off them but differently than on the back or front. I have NO aftermarket tinting on any of my windows.

                    #4. How many times would you say you have gotten use out of your Z18 Clay bars? I found it tended to break into little pieces by the time I was finished claying the entire car. Each clay bar, how many times did you do your car with it? Before you had to go to the second clay bar inside the container.

                    #5. Z6 says you can use it to polish plastic.. Can I use it to polish the plastic air induction box on my 5.7L TPI V8?

                    Thanks for your time,
                    1992 Camaro Z28 v8 350. Blue/silver racing stripes, ASCD Iroc Daytona Fiberglass hood. Flowmaster otherwise stock.<p>Webmaster: <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><p><p>Car Featured on Front of BAND CD Case: \"Smack Dab\"


                    • #11
                      Z12 is a mild abrasive that is used to clean the windows. If you have used that and then polished over it, then that is fine.
                      Edit: You won't need to "polish" your windows nearly as often! Don't waste the polish.

                      Less is more. The less you used to cover the entire car the better.

                      I don't know what you mean.

                      I've used my claybar probably 20 times on my car and other cars. As long as you keep it folded so there is a clean side to work with and don't use too much water, you'll be fine.

                      I wouldn't use it, but you can always give it a shot.

                      [ July 14, 2002: Message edited by: The Sandman ]</p>
                      <b>« Red <i><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Firebird</a></i> »</b>


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