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clearcoat help

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  • clearcoat help

    hey guys, i noticed that my clearcoat near my passenger ground effect and by the vent is peeling off. What do i do to fix this problem. i searched and i found one topic that said to sand and spray clearcoat back on. what sand paper and were do i get clearcoat . any help be great
    2000 firebird w68, auto, t-tops , 3.42 , k&n, whisper lid, taylor 8mm spark plug wires , bosch spark plugs , 3\"in/out carsound CAT , 3\" i pipe, take off trans am muffler, C6 Z06 rims

  • #2
    My suggestion is to get a bodyshop to do it professionally. DO NOT buy a can of clearcoat spraypaint and think it'll work! It will look like crap if you spraypaint it on.
    Let a bodyshop know that you will sand the car/section down yourself, and get a quote for just a coating of clearcoat. They should give you an idea of what to use to sand the section down.



    • #3
      thanks, the peel is small so i will just hold off until it gets bigger and i rather have a professional work on it. what do u think it would cost for this job ?
      2000 firebird w68, auto, t-tops , 3.42 , k&n, whisper lid, taylor 8mm spark plug wires , bosch spark plugs , 3\"in/out carsound CAT , 3\" i pipe, take off trans am muffler, C6 Z06 rims


      • #4
        I had my rear valance painted black (see my site below), and took it to someone else to have it clearcoated. The clearcoating ran me $45, but I carried the valance in and they had it for two days.
        Somewhat off-topic~ I'm just starting to learn how to paint and clearcoat. I bought all kinds of stuff, and me and a co-worker rent a garage that we are practicing our painting skills in. Hopefully by this summer, I'll be ready to paint/clearcoat my camaro myself. :D :D :D



        • #5
          nice so if you open up your own shop can u give me a discount haha. my cousin lives close by u , i think near jennersville area not sure.
          2000 firebird w68, auto, t-tops , 3.42 , k&n, whisper lid, taylor 8mm spark plug wires , bosch spark plugs , 3\"in/out carsound CAT , 3\" i pipe, take off trans am muffler, C6 Z06 rims


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