Re-post of my write-up on LS1. Just incase anyone was thinking about doing this.
I finally got around to posting it for you guys that have asked about it. This is a weekend job, or an all day job from early morning to late night....and then the peices have to dry for a while.
Painting Interior Pieces :
I do believe that's it... ;)
Good luck guys!
I finally got around to posting it for you guys that have asked about it. This is a weekend job, or an all day job from early morning to late night....and then the peices have to dry for a while.
Painting Interior Pieces :
- All of the pieces will need to be taken out, and for the most part the pieces pop right out. The only one of mine I had trouble taking out was the piece around the CD player, that you kinda have to gently pry out slowly so it's not damaged. You can also take out the steering wheel piece, and the vents, but I thought that if I did all that it wouldn't look very good, too much red (or insert your color choice here). The only piece that doesn't pop off is the large door piece. For that you have to take some tape (I used large amounts of masking tape) and taped it off. Put two layers to be sure.
- After popping out/taping off, take some sandpaper -not too rough- about 400 to 600 grit and sand them down to a really smooth finish. You can then take some 800 grit and smooth them out further. After this, take some rubbing alcohol and pour it on a rag, then rub the pieces down really well, and then let them sit. Do not dry them by hand, let the air do it [img]smile.gif[/img]
- After the pieces are good and dry (shouldn't take too long) take some newspaper and set the pieces down. Take a can of primer spraypaint and lightly spray them down. Should take about 3 coats to completely turn them into the 'color of the primer'. Spraying them lightly is key, so that the paint won't run, and then you're back down a step.
- Let the pieces sit for about 30-45 minutes, 1 hour max. Then take your bottle of spray paint and paint them the same way. You should put at least twice the amount of coats of color than primer, to make sure that the primer doesn't bleed through, as well ensuring a lasting color and a bright finish.
- Clearcoating is the only step I didn't do, however I would recommend it so that the pieces stay brighter and don't fade, and last longer. As well. Some high temperature clearcoat in a can should work just fine.
- Let the pieces dry for a long time, overnight suggested. Make sure that they're dry before you pick them up, never can be too sure. Put the pieces back in carefully, especially the one around the CD player, that seems to take a little pushing to get back in, and if you push too hard you can leave fingerprints in the paint (yes I did this :( )
I do believe that's it... ;)
Good luck guys!