Any really good way of doing this? I am considering several ideas... I personally think that the stock interior is ok but kinda plain. I think that I over did it the first time and painted a little too much, I am past my painting craze now and have decided to strip all the paint off and leave some parts stock while only painting several small parts... any ideas how to remove the paint from these parts? i have probably 120004245 diferent coats of random paints since i got lazy and "forgot" to sand lol... anyway... OH and i LOVE the shot of this guys center console
how the freak do you do that?! did he perhaps make a custom one out of fiberglass or something? that thing looks SICK... that is the other thing, i may repaint some peices shiney black like that instead of silver....
i also like the conservative painting this guy did, looks much better imo
mine looks more like this at one point lol...

[ September 14, 2004, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: DarkEcho ]
how the freak do you do that?! did he perhaps make a custom one out of fiberglass or something? that thing looks SICK... that is the other thing, i may repaint some peices shiney black like that instead of silver....
i also like the conservative painting this guy did, looks much better imo
mine looks more like this at one point lol...
[ September 14, 2004, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: DarkEcho ]