Well as TheV6Bird mentioned before, I am his brother with the convertible. Also before my vert I had an '87 Firebird hardtop, '95 Camaro T-top and now a '97 Camaro vert with 70K (not 77K, dave doesn't know what he's talking about..lol). I love my vert more then anything, it is alot different then a T-top. You get alot more air also I think with the top down the fbody verts look better then the hatchbacks (not with the top up though). you do get some more rattles and squeeks from the top, it is heavier, handling isn't a good (suspension mods fix it though), i have no trunk b/c I have 2 12's in there, and it is louder on the highway.....but I LOVE THE CAR. I would rather have my V6 vert then a 5spd Z28 anyday. Personaly I love the open air way more then I care about speed. If you look at my Camaro webpage you'll see that all my money is in appearence mods, i'm all about the "all show and no go". You have to decide do you love the open air or do you just not really care. If you love it like me I would get the vert if you could care less then I would wait for a t-top (they are cheaper and handle better). Good luck with your decision