Last winter I was t-boned by a kid in a 2000 S-10 with a stainless bumper, destroyed the passenger door and the quarter pannel, since then the door was replaced but it does not shut right because the quarter was hit with it so the door jam is also banged up but not to bad. I have had a few people look at it and tell me that I could weld in a new quarter panned and just bang out and bondo the door jam (I rarley use that door anywase). I am in aircraft maintenance school so we have a sheet metal/steel shop, welding shop, paint shop ect ect and a few instructors told me they could help me do it.
It sure beats the price of a body shop
BTW, the hit was only bad enough the dent the door skin so I doubt there will be any extra damage when I cut the pannel off.
It sure beats the price of a body shop
BTW, the hit was only bad enough the dent the door skin so I doubt there will be any extra damage when I cut the pannel off.