All in all it took me a total of 8 hours maybe more.
I washed the car, then claybared the car and washed the car again, then polished the car with turtle wax polish, then used meguairs color-x then I used meguairs number 7 glaze, then meguairs gold class wax then meguairs NXT.
I used a foam pad on a buffer to apply the polish then I wipped off with microfibre towel then buffed it in with a terry cloth bonnet. Then applied the colorx with a terry clothe bonnet and wiped off with microfibre then buffed it in with a clean bonnet, then used terrycloth bonnet to apply the glaze then wiped off with microfibre then used a clean bonnet to buff in. Then used a terry cloth bonnet to apply wax then wiped with microfibre then buffed with terry cloth then used terry cloth bonnet to apply nxt and buffed with terry and then rebuffed...