Man, I was having a great morning today, finished my exams last night and dont have another until tuesday night, so I figured I could relax for the day. I go to take a spin in my car and walk out to the parking lot. As I click my alarm, it gives me the 4-beeps which means the alarm had gone off overnight
So I thought that was strange get closer to my car and see the ground effects ripped off the front of my car no longer attached and a huge black scuff across the front driver corner [img]graemlins/crybaby.gif[/img] . No black cars anywhere in the parking lot, and I have no note with any apology or insurance info from whoever freakin' did it. Argh!! It makes me so mad, I had just finished telling myself that my car looked decent aside from a few small things I could touch up myself this summer. And I was planning on a bunch of go-fast mods. Now I hafta shell out my $500 deductible and get the front end repainted and basically a new front airdam. This sucks. At least it wasn't some huge body damage or anything, but it's just enough that it's gonna cost me a pretty penny to fix. Anyone else ever have some a$$h*lE hit your car before, and then leave nothing? Blah, and I was having a good day....Does this happen to anyone else too??
[ May 03, 2003: Message edited by: AlienInv8r ]</p>

[ May 03, 2003: Message edited by: AlienInv8r ]</p>