I was woundering if any of you have put in an overhead concel out of a suberban, jimmy, blazer or any other car or truck?? I have an overhead concel in my third gen and i like it alot and would like to find one that would fit to put into my 94 Camaro. I think it would be sweet. Could you post pics, and price and materal needed?? Also what vechele you got it out of
I was woundering if any of you have put in an overhead concel out of a suberban, jimmy, blazer or any other car or truck?? I have an overhead concel in my third gen and i like it alot and would like to find one that would fit to put into my 94 Camaro. I think it would be sweet. Could you post pics, and price and materal needed?? Also what vechele you got it out of