<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by zccop2001:
btw, anyone see that commercial advertising some SUV, has a riced out civic with hydros start bouncing around, then the family SUV starts also.. and the civic dude takes off..
me and my gf laffed for an hour...
I think what your thinking of is this Toyota Van that starts bouncing and the Van takes off in the air with E.T. in the back seat, and im not sure about this(correct me if im wrong) but isn't the other car a supra or something? just wonder, I haven't seen it latley and can't remember.
btw, anyone see that commercial advertising some SUV, has a riced out civic with hydros start bouncing around, then the family SUV starts also.. and the civic dude takes off..
me and my gf laffed for an hour...
I think what your thinking of is this Toyota Van that starts bouncing and the Van takes off in the air with E.T. in the back seat, and im not sure about this(correct me if im wrong) but isn't the other car a supra or something? just wonder, I haven't seen it latley and can't remember.