Need help placing gagues - Message Board


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Need help placing gagues

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  • Need help placing gagues

    I want to put some gauges in my car but I'm having trouble fing a spot to put them. I want to put a/f, Fuel pressure, boost, and maybe some others. But I can't fing a site that sells pods for or cars. I thought about putting them in the dash but there is really no room for them. I could separate them put some on the A-piller and some in the dash. Wold like to hear some of your ideas and some pics to go along. Before you say this guy is new and needs to do a search I ALREDAY DID.
    To spray or not to spray is never the question.

  • #2 has a tripple gauge a-pillar. u'd have to get custom interior pieces made if ya wanted gauges newhere else.
    2001 Arctic White Firebird<br />More mods than I\'m allowed to list!


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