I removed the antenna from my car today. There was a crease developing from one of the metal "feet" underneath that seemed to be getting worse. The original mark was there before I bought the car, and was probably due to taking the car through a wash with the antenna on. I never did understand why they put sharp/pointy metal feet against our thin sheet metal body. Anyway, now that it is removed, I was thinking about just having the hole filled and painted over . Removing it cleaned up the look of that side quite a bit. I was considering having the small crease repaired/painted before reinstalling the antenna, but maybe I will just leave it off. The radio reception was just as good without it, and I hardly listen to it anyway.
Any estimates on the cost for something like that? It's only about 1.5" diameter I would guess. There are a couple of small dings that I may get pushed out at the same time, just take care of it all at once. Maybe I could do the filling work and then have it painted to save some cash? Has anyone else had this done?
Any estimates on the cost for something like that? It's only about 1.5" diameter I would guess. There are a couple of small dings that I may get pushed out at the same time, just take care of it all at once. Maybe I could do the filling work and then have it painted to save some cash? Has anyone else had this done?