'Stuff' coated on my car..! - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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'Stuff' coated on my car..!

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  • 'Stuff' coated on my car..!

    Are there any good cleaning products that can help clean Alloy wheels?

    Here's my problem...I've kept my car in my garage for the past week,,due to heavy rains and some water running into the garage, I opened the garage door on a windy day to help dry it out. Earlier today, I noticed the whole side of my car covered in some sort of ****. It looks like rust, and feels like gritty sand. I pulled the car out to clean it, and this stuff isn't coming off! The whole front wheel is coated with it. I tried scrubbing the hell out of it with hard brissles, and while some came off, most of it stayed on.

    I also scrubbed the whole side of my car,,and while I can't see it on the fiberglass anymore, I can still run my hand across it and feel it. I sprayed high pressure water on the side of the car for over 20 minutes. This **** does not come off! It's like someone grinded up pennys, mixed it with rust, rolled it in sand, and coated it along my car. I can run my fingernails across the side and I can see it come off...so it's on the surface. But basic scrubbing and water does not get rid of it.

    I am open to any ideas...How should I get this stuff off?
    94 Camaro 3.4 A4 <br />T-Tops<br />In the process of an LS1 swap.

  • #2
    scrubbing is a no-no, NEVER EVER EVER scrub, especially w/a damn brush, thats what causes the worse of all swirls....BTW get a clay bar, i bet that'll fix it....
    <b>Black</b> 1998 Pontiac <i>Firebird</i> A-4 swap<br />271.4rwhp/259.4rwtq NA<br />13.30@102.44 <br /><a href=\"http://www.freewebs.com/wickedsix98\" target=\"_blank\">www.freewebs.com/wickedsix98</a>


    • #3
      I meant I scrubbed the wheels with the brush. The actual surface of the car I used a wet rag/chamois. I'll try the clay bar idea.
      94 Camaro 3.4 A4 <br />T-Tops<br />In the process of an LS1 swap.


      • #4
        How about one of those tar-be-gone products. (try it in a small area first).
        <a href=\"http://members.cox.net/95batmobile/d86f.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six</a> <br /><b><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/c_o_jones\" target=\"_blank\">Cardomain</a></b><br />--This doesn\'t change the fact that I am ~The Guru~ who still kicks puppies...


        • #5
          Hell, find out where the gritty stuff is coming from first and fix it. You'll get your car clean, then have to do it again when the rain hits.
          I have a car cover on my camaro in the garage. I don't even like dust on my car!
          As for the crap on your car, I agree with wicked, try a claybar.



          • #6
            It almost sounds like rust-colored paint overspray blew onto your car.
            I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

            2008 Saturn Sky Red Line - Midnight Blue

            Pewter Mafia - 2000 Firebird - SOLD
            CENTRAL FLORIDA KNIGHTS!!!!!!!
            FLORIDA STATE SEMINOLES !!!!!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by hockeyman:
              Hell, find out where the gritty stuff is coming from first and fix it. You'll get your car clean, then have to do it again when the rain hits.
              I agree. I have no idea what it is though. I'll look around some more tomorrow and hopefully may be able to find the culprit. It was only on one side of the car...and I'm assuming with all the wind that was blowing, it just coated the side of my car.

              EDIT:: I believe I just found out what this stuff is!

              The side of the Camaro that was coated was the side where all my saws are (miter, band, jig, saber)..Some of them were used about a week ago, and saw dust is all over. I just took a handful of it and ran it under water. It turned the exact color and texture that was/is on my car. So basically, I believe the saw dust blew on my car when it was wet, and then dried on it for a couple days. Normally I would notice something like that immediately, but because the car is out of comission, I didn't notice it until later.

              I'm suprised how much this stuff grips to the car and wheel.

              Would clay bar still be the best bet to get this saw dust off?
              94 Camaro 3.4 A4 <br />T-Tops<br />In the process of an LS1 swap.


              • #8
                i had the same deal with my passanger side of my car.

                felt very rough... i wetsanded the car with 3000 grit, or maybe 4000 grit sandpaper. and now the car is smooth as a babies ***!

                but dont scrub hard with the sandpaper or it will cause it to haze.
                96 Camaro M5. Dark metallic gree (?dont know the offical color name)<br />Home made Intake :: Headers, 3inch headers back to Flowmaster muffler :: spec stage 3 clutch Now installed, waiting for 3.42\'s and LSD next month<br /><a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/y192/RiceEatingCamaro/?action=view&current=newcar.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">My Car</a> <br /><br />Totalled Car.<br /><a href=\"http://bellsouthpwp.net/s/k/sk8er305/\" target=\"_blank\">96 CamaroRS</a>


                • #9
                  Hopefully, the sawdust didn't carry any sap with it to your car. I dunno about a claybar, but whatever you use, take extra caution when trying to remove it. Takes hardly any effort to scratch the clearcoat and make swirl marks.
                  Get yourself a carcover too.



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