washing car after new paint - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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washing car after new paint

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  • washing car after new paint

    After getting my car painted, How long do i have to wait before i can wash it?

  • #2
    ive heard six weeks

    Old people shouldnt use the internet.


    • #3
      I painted and clearcoated a fender and let it sit under a heatlamp for 10 hours, without the heatlamp for 14 hours, lightly sanded the finish with 2,000 grit sandpaper, then buffed it with a Carnuba Wax. It came out really nice! I told the guy to not touch it (hand wash, wax, or run it through a carwash) for over a month so it could properly/fully cure.

      Temperature has alot to do with it too. The colder temps the newly painted area is subjected to, the longer it should take to dry. It was only my second paint-shooting though, so I am still learning.

      Big question: Who's painting it for you??


      • #4
        my guy told me i could lighty wash it after a week, with no nozzle on the hose, and dont touch it. you can wax after 90 days, i wouldnt wax earl, some say 60 days. but my guy said 90. no car wash's untill 50-60 days i think he said.
        1998 bright red camaro ,M5 ,Y87 ,stock<br /><br />Originally posted by Rune:<br />If it smells like a turd and looks like a turd, chances are its probably not a candy bar.


        • #5
          hey i got my hood painted around november soes this mean i can wax it when my zaino comes in this week!!! i hope so i havent waxed it since the hood b/c i was waiting on i to cure!! as it was in the colder months(not cold i live in la) so ehh look forward to waxing it!! [img]smile.gif[/img]


          • #6
            yeah chet, 3 months is plenty of time to wait to wax it. go for it!


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