so I was driving home from a friends house at about 1:30 this morning, and a trip that normally takes 20 minutes took me in excess of an hour. You'd be surprised at how different roads look that early and dark. I ended up driving down miles of dirt roads, with huge nasty potholes that I had to go like 5 mph over because it was rattling the **** out of my baby. AND the reason this is in appearance is because nobody posts pictures of their dirty car :D so I figured I would do so. Keep in mind at about 10:00pm last night I washed her real good.

I hate dirt roads :(
If I had my camera last night I woulda taken pictures of NOTHING which is where I was, in the middle of nowhere. Seriously I didn't know there was such a place, but I sure found it last night.
But at least I'm home now :D and I didn't get up till like 1pm today, so now I'm refreshed too [img]graemlins/fluffy.gif[/img]

I hate dirt roads :(
If I had my camera last night I woulda taken pictures of NOTHING which is where I was, in the middle of nowhere. Seriously I didn't know there was such a place, but I sure found it last night.
But at least I'm home now :D and I didn't get up till like 1pm today, so now I'm refreshed too [img]graemlins/fluffy.gif[/img]