i've decided that i DO want a hood. and its been narrowed down to these two:
2" VFN Cowl


so which one? i like the muscle car appeal so the VFN catches my eyes but i also love the lines of the Ultra-Z as well. i know its all preference but i want yall final opinions to help me decide. promise this is the last time i'll post about "which hood" lol.
also i'm think about either a mecham or an ASCD spoiler SS style spoiler, but i'm not sure whether or not it'll look good with that cowl if i end up getting it. what do yall think?
2" VFN Cowl

so which one? i like the muscle car appeal so the VFN catches my eyes but i also love the lines of the Ultra-Z as well. i know its all preference but i want yall final opinions to help me decide. promise this is the last time i'll post about "which hood" lol.
also i'm think about either a mecham or an ASCD spoiler SS style spoiler, but i'm not sure whether or not it'll look good with that cowl if i end up getting it. what do yall think?