I was thinking about it, and I notice a lot of times when searching the internet for that nice sale price of something new to add to the appearance of my car I will see a hood or tail/head lights but it doesn't specifically say that it will indeed fit my year/model car.
I am curious to know what other people have installed on their f-bodies and know that it works with major/little/no modification at all. Possibly if enough information gets posted on this thread it could be made into a sticky so that someone that is looking for something new to add to his car, can look through it and know exactly what is going to fit his year/model f-body.
Such as, will a 97+ ta hood, fit my 97 Firebird? Can I get the honeycomb taillights for my 97 Firebird?
Just simple and small things like this. I will be doing a lot of research even though, appearance isn't my main goal with a car, but I feel it is something that people who are into this aspect of the car industry need and should have at their disposal.
I am curious to know what other people have installed on their f-bodies and know that it works with major/little/no modification at all. Possibly if enough information gets posted on this thread it could be made into a sticky so that someone that is looking for something new to add to his car, can look through it and know exactly what is going to fit his year/model f-body.
Such as, will a 97+ ta hood, fit my 97 Firebird? Can I get the honeycomb taillights for my 97 Firebird?
Just simple and small things like this. I will be doing a lot of research even though, appearance isn't my main goal with a car, but I feel it is something that people who are into this aspect of the car industry need and should have at their disposal.