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What to use on interior?

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  • What to use on interior?

    Sc what to use to clean up the interior?

    Don't want ArmourAll... Whats a good product that won't screw up anything longterm.

    I do have some meguirs interior stuff floating around, worked decent but didn't know much about it.

  • #2
    Re: What to use on interior?

    does armorall mess stuff up? i use it and it's really turned my interior around. owner before me didn't take car of the interior at all...


    • #3
      Re: What to use on interior?

      Armourall is prob one of best things you could use...protects and shines like crazy lol


      • #4
        Re: What to use on interior?

        meguiar's interior quick detailer wipes. they clean everything very well and don't leave a greasy feeling. they dont shine like armor all but i jus like my interior to look spotless and not really shiney so they work great for my tastes.


        • #5
          Re: What to use on interior?

          form numerous sources, heard armourall takes the oils out of your plastics/vinyl and drys them out over time and will lead them to crack. I admit it does look good but have heard this numerous times.


          • #6
            Re: What to use on interior?

            I use 303 Aero Space Protectant. It has UV protection and won't leave behind that ghetto shine like armorall will. I use it on all the plastic in the interior, weather stripping, and sometimes tires depending on how I want them dressed.

            You probably won't be able to find it at most stores. You generally have to go to a marine store or order it online.


            • #7
              Re: What to use on interior?

              Originally posted by HokieBird
              I use 303 Aero Space Protectant. It has UV protection and won't leave behind that ghetto shine like armorall will. I use it on all the plastic in the interior, weather stripping, and sometimes tires depending on how I want them dressed.

              You probably won't be able to find it at most stores. You generally have to go to a marine store or order it online.

              THATS the stuff I was looking for...

              back when I was more into detailing that was the next stuff I was gong to get, couldn't remember what it was called. Where did you get yours?

              btw I use armourall on my tires all the time because I liked the look, it actually brakes down the black in tires, leaving that "brownish" tire look.
              Last edited by DAS BOOT; 12-05-2007, 02:39 PM.


              • #8
                Re: What to use on interior?

                i've been using it for 5 years now. it's a great product for me


                • #9
                  Re: What to use on interior?

                  I use to get it from a local marine store, but I've moved since then.

                  I got my last bottle here: http://www.autogeek.net/303aerprot.html

                  AutoGeek is currently running a special for $10 off your next purchase if you' need anything in the future. I also PMed you about another discount.


                  • #10
                    Re: What to use on interior?

                    Most of the time I just use hot water and a microfiber. I really don't care for the shine that most dressings give you, so I just done use one. For carpet, upholstry, and really dirty things, I use a product called Extra Foamy. I usually just get it from the detailer I used to work for, but I found it here as well.


                    • #11
                      Re: What to use on interior?

                      I find that most of the cleaners/protectants seem to hold more dust than repel it. I've only used Turtle Wax's G2 or something like that (in a green bottle). It just seemed to attract the dust and fuzz and all the stuff that gets on the dash and everywhere... But I'm sure there is a better product out there. Usually just warm water and a cloth for me.


                      • #12
                        Re: What to use on interior?

                        I use water or 10:1 mixture of Mequiar's APC to clean, but all the interior plastic needs to be protected too. That's what I use 303 for. I also don't apply it all the time. I just got over the dash with a microfiber to clean up the dust inbetween 303 applications.

                        I assume that is what Eric is looking for since he has a new car and it most likely isn't dirty.


                        • #13
                          Re: What to use on interior?

                          Originally posted by HokieBird
                          I use water or 10:1 mixture of Mequiar's APC to clean, but all the interior plastic needs to be protected too. That's what I use 303 for. I also don't apply it all the time. I just got over the dash with a microfiber to clean up the dust inbetween 303 applications.

                          I assume that is what Eric is looking for since he has a new car and it most likely isn't dirty.
                          yep and thanks for the code... I might just order it(posted on a few local boards, places near me so far are really not worth the gas to drive to over ordering online.)


                          • #14
                            Re: What to use on interior?

                            armour all has been reformulated. that rumor is prehistoric. but the aerospace protectant is good stuff.

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