Okay so long story short i wrecked the bird back in october lost it in the rain... (i just love our light *** rear ends with the good ole peg leg). I demolished the front end running it up against the ditch so i bought a new one and a paint gun and some paint and a crap load of sand paper and went to town. My girlfriends dad painted my front end (2 years ago) i watched him but i didnt like how the paint never matched so i decided to take that off and do something different with the bird... and so i did!
Front end with bird insert bondo'd
Final Result up close
Final Result from afar
Took me three tries on each fender to get all the runs out and to get a smooth finish but i cant complain for first time ever picking up a paint gun. Dont ast me where i got the idea of starting the black stripe at the front end but it just clicked in my head cause i was painting both at the same time. Let me know what you guys think!
Front end with bird insert bondo'd
Final Result up close
Final Result from afar
Took me three tries on each fender to get all the runs out and to get a smooth finish but i cant complain for first time ever picking up a paint gun. Dont ast me where i got the idea of starting the black stripe at the front end but it just clicked in my head cause i was painting both at the same time. Let me know what you guys think!