t5 damage. what happened here? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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t5 damage. what happened here?

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  • t5 damage. what happened here?

    trying to figure out what went wrong here exactly. i installed a plate for the countershaft bearing. but something must not have been done right. looks like the bearing was able to move in and out of it???

    the bottom 5th gear. rubbed against the plate getting it really hot and i believe since the top gear was more or less welded to the shaft (the clip was welded to the gear. i think it pushed the bottom gear towards the tailhousing. when i removed the tailhousing there was alot of pressure behind the bottom gear cluster the snap ring, synchro and other parts shot off.. and there was damage to the tailhousing.

  • #2
    Re: t5 damage. what happened here?


    • #3
      Re: t5 damage. what happened here?

      When you set your backlash it is extremely important to achieve .001" to .002"clearance on your dial indicator otherwise your either too tight or too lose on your bearings. Either situation ends up "welding" stuff. They make an adjustable thrust washer for setting backlash. I set all mine t5 s to .0015" right between tight and loose with the adjustable washers so much better than the old school grind and hope.


      • #4
        Re: t5 damage. what happened here?

        since i don't know what you're talking about exactly. i probably screwed it up... i just installed that bearing retainer in place of the old one.


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