Is this a worth-while mod without a shift kit? I have the opportunity to pick one up really really cheap. Do you lose any fluid that u need to replace when installing the servo? Also, for those who have done it, do these instructions below look about right, or is there something else I should know? I doesn't seem that hard to put in.
The installation is simple and can be done with the transmission in the vehicle. Start by removing the retaining ring on the servo cover. Then with a pair of channel locks or vice grips twist the servo cover off. It will probably only come part way out, due to an o-ring holding it in the cylinder. Using a screwdriver, pry the o-ring out far enough to allow it to be cut - dont worry, a new o-ring comes with the servo. The servo assembly should pull straight out. Remove the C snap ring using a screwdriver. Then, using an expensive spring compressor, or a $1 pair of C-Clamps, clamp the cushion spring retainer and 2nd apply piston together. This will allow you to use a screwdriver to remove the metal seal holding the spring retainer in place. Once the spring retainer has been removed, the servo apply pin should pull through the servo assembly. I have never had one come out nicely, I have always had to coax it with a rubber mallet, and in some cases, a gentle hammer tap. From here on out, simply replace the new servo parts, and installation is reverse of removal.
The installation is simple and can be done with the transmission in the vehicle. Start by removing the retaining ring on the servo cover. Then with a pair of channel locks or vice grips twist the servo cover off. It will probably only come part way out, due to an o-ring holding it in the cylinder. Using a screwdriver, pry the o-ring out far enough to allow it to be cut - dont worry, a new o-ring comes with the servo. The servo assembly should pull straight out. Remove the C snap ring using a screwdriver. Then, using an expensive spring compressor, or a $1 pair of C-Clamps, clamp the cushion spring retainer and 2nd apply piston together. This will allow you to use a screwdriver to remove the metal seal holding the spring retainer in place. Once the spring retainer has been removed, the servo apply pin should pull through the servo assembly. I have never had one come out nicely, I have always had to coax it with a rubber mallet, and in some cases, a gentle hammer tap. From here on out, simply replace the new servo parts, and installation is reverse of removal.