Do you think 18's - Message Board


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Do you think 18's

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  • Do you think 18's

    Do you think 18" inch eagles rims are to big to use to race but I also have street steel tires if any of u all have 18" slow you down or dont make a diffrence?

  • #2
    Yes! They make a huge difference. My car is slow as molasses and loses to tons of cars that I should be beating. Rotating weight makes much more of a difference in weight than just plain weight. Your moment of inertia=M*R^2. So when you add 2 inches to your rotating mass, that becomes 18" inches squared, with the majority of your weight at the outside of the wheel. So it takes a ton more to turn it. To give you an example-I have 275/40/18s out back, and I just got my gears done a few weeks ago. I still can't spin tires from a standstill just flooring it. But I'm sure I could roast the stock tires.
    AIM: Alientr8tr<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">1998 Camaro 3.8L</a><br />Flowmaster 80-series, !FRA, Eibach Springs, KYB AGX, SLP sway bars, 3.42/LSD, Wings West kit, Z06 Motorsports, Silverstone Metallic paint<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Shift 5</a> - My Band


    • #3
      so u got 18" with gears and u still slow?


      • #4
        depends also if there chrome or aluminum(are lighter) chrome rims slow me down quite a bit, with the stock rims it goes a lot quicker...since my mods with old rims and tires i can go sideways through first hit second and go the other way...and no i am not [img]graemlins/bs.gif[/img] ing....with My Chrome Rims and Drag Radials it gets better traction but is weighed down
        94 Pontiac Firebird-V6<br />-NxWetKit,RamAir,MSD Dis4, Coils,&Wires,DynomaxExhuast w/testpipe,NittoDR\'s&DunlopSPort5000s,17\"CrEagleAl loys,TransgoShifKit/VetteServo<br />91 Jeep Wrangler-5.7 Chevy350<br />-6\"ProComp SuspensionLift,M/T BajaClaws35x12.5,& more goodies


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