tranmission mount? - Message Board


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tranmission mount?

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  • tranmission mount?

    I have a manual transmission that needs a new mount and I was wondering what mount is best? and what do you have to do to install it? I would like to find one that is easy to install. thanks.

  • #2
    Originally posted by SOONverySOON:
    I have a manual transmission that needs a new mount and I was wondering what mount is best? and what do you have to do to install it? I would like to find one that is easy to install. thanks.
    there all "easy" to install, put the car on jack stand, the tranny on a floor jack; remove the piece covering the tranny mount, replace it, reverse the steps. however every after market tranny mount that i have heard of is about 1/2 in short. in other words its gunna change the angle of the thranny. (i know, i have been lookin into this the past week or so non stop). also unless u get the 1LE mount, chances are ur gunna be dealing with a lot of vibration. i just got a quote on the 1LE mount for about 75 bucks at a dealer.
    99\' Camaro v6 T5- SOLD<br />2004 VW Golf TDI


    • #3
      thanks. does anyone know what the part # is for the 1le trans mount and if it requires the spacers? if so what is the best thing to use as spacers? will a stiffer trans mount cause the motor mounts to break? thanks.


      • #4 , but i think that the part # is not legit ne more. i tried to use it on GM parts direct and i couldnt get it. it didnt come up under search, and well, when i just put in the # and said add added then i went to checkout and basically said that there was nothin in the cart... so i think that the 1le mount is no longer being manufactured. as far as the motor mounts go... look in drivetrain;f=2;t=002915 that has a post about the stress on the mounts i believe
        99\' Camaro v6 T5- SOLD<br />2004 VW Golf TDI


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