I've been having this really weird sound come from the back of my Camaro ever since I changed the rear end from 3.23's to a 98 Trans Am's with limited slip and 3.42's. When ever I go from reverse to drive or vise versa I hear this clunk ever so often. It also happens with I’m decelerating from 2nd to 1st. I went over to camaroz28.com because I figured that our bigger brothers (the V8’s) would most likely have this same problem and more regularly then us V6er’s. I came across the same reply to almost all the returns I got from my search: the torque arm bushings are bad and/or the u-joints are shot. Does that sound about right, I just hope that it isn’t that new rear end I put in because I don’t really want to put anymore money into that thing, if it is the driveshaft I’ll just get a new one, which I was planning on doing anyways.