Dent in my tranny pan--need help!! - Message Board


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Dent in my tranny pan--need help!!

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  • Dent in my tranny pan--need help!!

    Hi guys--I'm new here.. Glad to finally find a board that isn't strictly v8 talk--cool!! Anyway, I have a question. A couple of nights ago I was driving down a stretch of highway when I see a large rock in the road--roughly the size of a human head. I tried to swerve, but it was too late.. CLUNK!! Ouch.. Anyway, turns out that my tranny pan has a sizable dent in it, and a bolted-on crossmember appears to be fubared.. Furthermore, my tranny seems to hesitate a bit when it shifts now.. Would a dent in the pan cause this kind of behavior?? Also, is it an expensive part that would be difficult to replace?? I lease this car, so I kinda need to get this thing fixed.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.. FYI--my car is a 2000 Camaro 3.8 v6, A4. No mods other than z28 front and rear swaybars, and free ram air. Thanks in advance guys!!!

    [ December 31, 2001: Message edited by: Phat3800 ]

    [ December 31, 2001: Message edited by: Phat3800 ]</p>

  • #2
    Might look into getting a tranny pan from a Chevy Silverado pickup truck with the 4L60E tranny. It'll allow you to add an extra QT of tranny fluid plus it gives you a drain plug. It's a common mod amongst the V8 and Impala SS crowd. Check some of the V8 boards on for this mod...

    P.S. Welcome to the board! :D
    Jason McCallister, Founder & Webmaster<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">West Tennessee F-Body Association, Inc.</a><br /><br />2000 Camaro - <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Details</a>


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