feels like slippage but its not the clutch! - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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feels like slippage but its not the clutch!

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  • feels like slippage but its not the clutch!

    well to start the clutch that is in right now is fairly new w/ only about 1 month of use since that time my block died now that i have the car running again i feel the clutch slipping (at least that's what i found when i drive it around) can it be cuz the flywheel was resurfaced? i did clean it w/ brake parts cleaner, can you help plz.


    [ June 15, 2004, 12:35 AM: Message edited by: pontiac nino ]
    ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>

  • #2
    oh yeah nother stupid question can a clutch slipping also be caused by the clutch being in backwards?
    ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>


    • #3
      ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>


      • #4
        the friction surface is supposed to be installed in a particular direction; however to install it the wrong way would render it completely useless (and would be pretty hard to do to boot). did you touch the clutch disk or flywheel with anything; fingers, other kind of grease or oil, etc. while you were working on it?

        it is also necessary to allow the clutch to break in with the new flywheel surface so it will be properly seated. it seems silly to do that since you already installed the new clutch (so to speak) but since you had your flywheel turned, the friction surface is all new to your clutch disk.

        don't know if that helps any, but it's what i can offer.


        • #5
          check it out man my flywheel kinda looks like this right now except the inner ring is clean cuz it was cleaned w/ that brake cleaner stuff but for some reason it's still slipping im guessing it still needs to be resurfaced or im also thinking maybe I just didn't overtighten the clutch only way to find out is to take off the transmission first (which i don't want to do)

          Can it just be that the flywheel surface is not smooth? will it go away within time?

          thanks for the help.
          ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>


          • #6
            okay, i guess i'm a little confused then. was the flywheel resurfaced or not when you put the new clutch in?

            you don't really want to "overtighten" it but i think i know what you mean... just follow the specs in the haynes or service manuals or whatever you are using for reference.


            • #7
              flywheel has NOT been resurfaced (sorry forgot to mention the most important part). But it's slipping and the clutch is not old at all, I cleaned the flywheel though when i put it back on (brake parts cleaner like I was suppose to) but it's slipping,

              thanks rally
              ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>


              • #8
                you HAVE to have your flywheel either resurfaced or replaced when you install a new clutch. sometimes those things can get glazed (as well as the clutch padsd) and when you add a new friction surface you're asking for trouble...

                try that and let us know! my flywheel is already at the machine shop...i'm replacing my clutch tomorrow :D


                • #9
                  Guess I'll go and resurface it then prob get this done tommorrow thanks Rally
                  ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>


                  • #10
                    sure, np


                    • #11
                      well, it's been resurfaced and im still getting the same problem if I accelerate slowly in 1st it does good but if I floor it in any gear all the car does is just REV and it feels like it stays on neutral.
                      IM STUMPED!!!
                      ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>


                      • #12
                        Not sure if you can do this in this application but perhaps the clutch over adjusted. Do you have any free play on the clutch pedal? Perhaps you need to back off the adjustment a tad....


                        • #13
                          ummmm, don't understand what you mean to well but I did use an alignment tool and resurfaced the flywheel to a bling shine, clutch ain't backwards cuz then it wouldn't even go in gear.
                          ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>


                          • #14
                            Well now my slave cylinder exploded in the highway (that really ****EN SUCKED!)Now I can't go into any gear. WTF? Took it to a shop so I can get it from behind w/o vaseline when they find out whats wrong w/ it and charge me. Maybe it was the slave cylinder the whole time, hmmmm, will find out tomorrow.
                            ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>


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