Some people have to come in and ruin a perfectly good converter post.
I'm going to start a new one here.
NBMA4V6, If you have more questions add them in here. You should definitely hit 14.4 with a good converter. Your 1/4 time is already pretty good. 4/10s reduction is well within range.
aalugo2000, PI makes very good converters. Keith has one in his car and it's worked great. Yank is more tailored to your car. You can get one specifically for power adder or just NA or little of both.
I'm going to start a new one here.
NBMA4V6, If you have more questions add them in here. You should definitely hit 14.4 with a good converter. Your 1/4 time is already pretty good. 4/10s reduction is well within range.
aalugo2000, PI makes very good converters. Keith has one in his car and it's worked great. Yank is more tailored to your car. You can get one specifically for power adder or just NA or little of both.